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Vladimir Kvača
Charles University, Prague
Vladimir Kvača is assistant professor at the Charles University in Prague, teaching policy design and evaluation. Furthermore he is a freelance consultant on evaluation, governance and public administration and facilitating expert of the ESF Public Administration and Governance network (2016-present). Previously, he was Director of Partnership Agreement, Evaluation and Strategy Department of the Ministry of Regional Development in Prague (2014-2016), responsible for policy content of EU funded policies at the Partnership agreement level and evaluation of all ESIF programmes in the Czech Republic. Between 2013 and 2014, he was Director of Operational Programme Technical Assistance Managing Authority at the Ministry of Regional Development in Prague, supporting all aspects of OP management and ESIF implementation structures, including Local Action Groups in the Czech Republic. Other working positions include Director General of Section for EU Funds at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Prague (2011-2013) and Head of ESF Evaluation Team at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Prague (2010-2011).