ESIF and recovery & reform

European Structural and Investment Funds

Fulfilling its role as a knowledge-transfer bridge between the European and national level, as well as among national administrations, has enabled EIPA to become a centre of excellence in the field of EU Regional and Cohesion Policy. EIPA has a long-established and commonly recognised expertise in the area of management, monitoring, and audit and control of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). Building up on the latter, EIPA has further developed a strong portfolio on the complementarities and alignment with the national Recovery and Resilience Plans and the Just Transition Fund territorial plans.

On ESIF and Recovery, EIPA offers training and capacity-building solutions.

Since 2013, under two consecutive framework contracts (FWCs) procured by DG REGIO, EIPA has been the main provider of training on EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 to the staff of EU institutions, national managing authorities and CSOs (for reference see the Common State Aid Action Plan 2023-2027). The FWCs with the European Commission have allowed EIPA to be at the core of the latest developments and to establish unique contacts with relevant DG’s in the EC, as well as national, regional and local administrations. We regularly involve those experts in the delivery of EIPA trainings, enriching our seminars with valuable first-hand insights, references to real life scenarios and hands-on approaches.

EIPA has an extensive portfolio of customised trainings that meet the particular needs and priorities of Member States clients. In this regard, EIPA developed tailor-made trainings for specific target groups, focusing on key challenges in the management of ESI Funds and paying due attention to the respective country-specific context. Over the years, seminars were carried out for Member States such as Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Spain, Croatia and Greece, as well as regions such as Regione Campania and Regione Molise.

Our longstanding experience with the European institutions ensures that EIPA can offer its participants – especially at national level – an important added value: access to and the transfer of established good practices across Europe, unique insight into relevant case studies and a pan-European view on implementation experiences. In that context, EIPA has been the preferred facilitator of study visits to other Member States with the purpose of participatory observation and exchange of good practices in the area of ESIF. Study visits were organised for Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Greek and other EU Funds authorities to other EU MS such as Sweden, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland and Portugal.

In support of the EC ongoing efforts to combat fraud and corruption in ESI Funds, EIPA has contributed to the design and delivery of a capacity building package that includes: scoping and analysis of anti-fraud and anti-corruption good practices, case studies in ESI Funds management across the EU, creation of e-learning modules, as well as an online capacity building toolbox.

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Robin Smail

Robin Smail Training & Consultancy

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