
Training has been one of the main pillars in EIPA’s work over the decades.

EIPA has specialised in short courses which offer busy professionals a concise and practice-oriented understanding of issues, insight into the broader context and other actors’ perspectives, and tools that they can use in their jobs.

These are conceived as complementary to the services offered by national and private bodies, since they usually involve multinational perspectives and build on European networks and comparative research.

Our courses address a range of learning needs. Some are designed primarily to explain how things work and to help people keep up to date with developments and perspectives. Many of these courses also aim to explain to national actors what they need to do to comply with EU rules or take advantage of EU funding. Others focus on skills, such as negotiating techniques.

In all cases, we adopt a problem-solving approach and use a variety of interactive methods to engage participants in thinking through and applying the information and insights acquired.

EIPA has been active in rethinking the nature and place of training in learning and development strategies in recent years. Almost all EIPA’s training activities in 2021 took place online. The pandemic accelerated EIPA’s process of diversification in learning methods and our provision of online services.

Our training courses are also increasingly seen as part of learning packages involving multiple modules and methods, and are linked to our offer in technical assistance and other forms of support.


Assistancy & Consultancy