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European Court of Auditors
Martin Weber joined the European Court of Auditors in 1999.
In 2017 he was appointed as Director of the Presidency, the department in charge of strategy development, programming and reporting, internal and external communication and liaison with other EU Institutions, national Supreme Audit Institutions and international audit organisations (such as INTOSAI/EUROSAI).
From 2014 until 2017, he was the Director of the Audit Chamber II dealing with EU policies and spending in the area of Cohesion (including regional and social policy), employment, transport and energy.
From 2010 to 2014, he was responsible as Head of unit for the Court’s financial and compliance audits in this field, contributing to the Court’s annual ‘Statement of assurance’.
Prior to this position, he worked as Head of Private Office for two Members of the Court: Henri Grethen (from 2007 to 2010) and François Colling (from 2002 to 2007).
Before joining the Court, Mr. Weber worked as a consultant at Arthur Andersen and Roland Berger and as teaching assistant at Rutgers University.
He studied at Reims Management School (France), Lancaster University (UK) and ESB Reutlingen (Germany) and holds a Master in Economics of Rutgers University (USA).