Join our International CAF Trainers Event
After a detailed exploration of the actual training needs among the CAF network, the European CAF Resource Centre learned that the community needs hands-on, practical training, full of real-life examples.
The International CAF Trainer’s Event is oriented towards CAF practitioners around the globe.
This two-day event will be a unique one – combining the theory with real-life case studies, covering soft skills such as facilitation, communication and conflict management. CAF basics such as CAF ABC training and the novelties of the Procedure on External Feedback 2024 will be presented for the first time after publishing the new Procedure.
Why should you register?
The objective of this unique event is to provide a platform for sharing best practices and introducing new ways and techniques of knowledge management among the senior, more experienced CAF practitioners and External Feedback Actors with the ones who just recently started developing their passion for total quality management, performance management, employee and citizens engagement and all the fascinating aspects the Common Assessment Framework has to offer.
The participants applying for this event need to be ready to step up the game in training delivery and be fully involved in the two-day training event during exercises involving role-play. Therefore, openness to learn from each other, providing open and honest feedback and designing the final training output together with us – are the objectives we want to follow.
Furthermore, we will have eminent speakers, generously sharing their wealth of CAF expertise, insider tips, hacks, and do’s and don’ts when it comes to training delivery. We will shed light on general human values that play a crucial role for anyone in a lead position. And trainers like us – this is what we do: we transpose the general human and organisational values in the CAF framework where we don’t deal with the organisation – but with people representing the organisation.
At the conclusion of this event, we anticipate receiving the final feedback from CAF enthusiasts on the soft-skills training materials, CAF ABC online, and the novelties introduced in the External Feedback Procedure 2024. This means that you will play an integral role in shaping the CAF training materials alongside us. Subsequently, we will open these materials for use by the international CAF community, with the sole objective of facilitating organisational development on an international scale through the adoption of the European model of continuous improvement – the Common Assessment Framework.
And this, we believe, is just the beginning. Therefore, we invite you to join us and become part of the process from its inception!

Topics covered during the event:
- CAF ABC – Phases at a glance
- CAF Soft Skills
- Procedure of External Feedback 2024 / Novelties
This event is part of the European Public Sector Award 2023-24: Boosting innovation through learning

Programme Overview
Please note: the programme is subject to change
9.15 | Welcome by EIPA Management Marco Ongaro, Director-General of the European Institute of Public Administration |
9.30 | International CAF Trainers Event – Objectives and Background Gracia Vara Arribas, Head of the European CAF Resource Centre in EIPA |
10.00 | Importance of the International CAF Trainers Event and COMPACT synergies Alexandra Papatheodorou, Policy Officer, DG Reform, European Commission |
10.30 | Recognised Training Needs in CAF Implementation Nick Thijs, Senior Advisor, SIGMA |
11.00 | Coffee Break |
11.20 | Module 1 & 2 CAF ABC & Soft skills How to do the self-assessment from the perspective of an External Feedback Actor – CAF 2020 Phases at a Glance Philip Parzer, Head of the CAF Centre in KDZ, Austria |
12.15 | CAF Phases and Facilitation Hacks: Group work on a real-case study
Team of trainers: Tihana Puzić & Philip Parzer |
14.00 | Lunch break & Group Photo |
15.00 | Presentation of the Group Work & Practicing Facilitation Hacks |
16.00 | Feedback Round on Module 1 and 2 Facilitation: Tihana Puzić & Philip Parzer |
17.00 | Wrap-Up, Q&A & Conclusion of Day 1 |
9.00 | Recap on day 1 |
9.15 | Module 3 Procedure on External Feedback 2024 Presentation of novelties and comparison Italo Benedini, CAF Expert, Italian CAF National Centre |
11.00 | Coffee break |
11.30 | Simulation of a real case: How to present the new PEF 2024? Group Work on a real case scenario, presentation |
13.30 | Lunch break |
14.30 | Feedback Round on Module 3 – Procedure on External Feedback 2024 Facilitation: Tihana Puzić, Philip Parzer and Italo Benedini |
15.30 | A look into the needs and next steps for the CAF community Gracia Vara & Tihana Puzić |
16.00 | Closing words by participants, trainers and organisers, certificates of attendance for the participants |
16.30 | End of the event |
Registered participants will receive a confirmation email from the European CAF Resource Centre. If the number of applicants exceeds the capacity for attendees, preference will be given to national CAF Correspondents, certified External Feedback Actors, and members of the CAF Network, including the CAF experts.
Registration for this event is free and can be done before 25 October 2024.
In case of questions please reach out to
Registration for this event is closed.