EPSA 2023-24 is supported by the European Commission
EPSA 2023-24 is supported by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM), through the Technical Support Instrument (TSI).
As documented by the European Commission, the World Bank and the World Health Organization Currently the performance of the Latvian healthcare system needs large-scale improvement. In addition to this, the…
Open democratic arena We have had a building fit for how we provided services in the past, not for how are services will be provided in the future. For a new…
4.1 A REALIDADE DO CONCELHO DE SINTRA Sintra, com 377 835 habitantes Ž o segundo Munic’pio mais populoso de Portugal, correspondendo a 4% da popula‹o total nacional (10 562 178…
There is much room for improvement in business service provision. Today, the most used business services are dispersed between different state agencies that require separate logging in. Apart from the…
The local community public service for the registration of persons
The digital reform initiated within SPCLEP Ia_i was based on growth accelerated technological development. According to the National Institute of Statistics (INS), almost 70% of the people aged 16 to…
Geoportal – www.geoportal.gov.pl – is a central node of the Polish Spatial Data Infrastructure with access to spatial data and related services. The project started development in 2005, but during…
Boosting investment is important for GDP growth in Latvia. At the end of September 2017 the country reached the level of 14.4 billion Euro (54.8% of GDP) in accumulated Foreign…
Galician public media, gathered in the Radio and Television Corporation of Galicia, were born in 1985, fulfill, as a legislative mandate, the public communication service of Galicia, with the functions…