EPSA 2023-24 is supported by the European Commission
EPSA 2023-24 is supported by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM), through the Technical Support Instrument (TSI).
First prize winner in category Digital Transformation in EPSA 2023-24 Context Hansken is an open digital forensic platform that is owned and maintained by the Dutch government, via the Ministry of…
The Netherlands
Anti-money launderingDigital GovernmentJudicial systems
Context Our lives are shifting more and more to the Internet. It is hard to imagine everyday life without a laptop, smartphone or tablet. Not only are everyday activities shifting…
Context The European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF) requires all Member States’ plans to comply with the ‘Do No Significant Harm’ (DNSH) principle. This principle ensures that public investments…
ClimateEnergyEnvironment and natural resourcesExpenditure policyGreen financeJust transitionManagement and implementation of EU fundsSustainable developmentVocational education and training and adult learning
Context Social enterprises are businesses whose core objective is to achieve a social, societal or environmental impact. They play an important part in contributing to the economy by addressing societal…
Small and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectors
Context The ‘Baby, Welcome to the World!’ (eBaby) service emerged in Serbia in response to a legislative push for a ‘Once Only’ principle. This principle aimed to streamline public services…
Digital GovernmentDigital healthEffectiveness, efficiency and resilience of health care systemsEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryPublic healthSocial protection benefit systemsSocial services
Context Professionals in the field of youth policies are often confronted with a significant challenge: the increasing demand for intervention and the simultaneous scarcity of human and cultural resources to…
Expenditure policyState governance and better policy making
Context In 2006, the ‘Regulatory Guillotine’ project successfully simplified or abolished unnecessary administrative burdens for businesses. This established a precedent for the ‘Project for Optimisation of Administrative Procedures and Formalities’.…
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Better regulation, licensing and inspectionsDigital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service delivery
Context The 2023 Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Framework Agreement is an initiative from the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP (National Development Plan) Delivery and Reform. It allows for the easy…
Budget preparation and implementationDigital economy, research and innovationDigital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryExpenditure policyState governance and better policy making
Context This project stemmed from an analysis of the agency’s operations. Internal meetings revealed a lack of public awareness regarding work abuse protections and lengthy processing times for class action…
Digital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service delivery
Context The Slovenian government, specifically the Ministry of Public Administration (now the Ministry of Digital Transformation) and the Ministry of the Interior, launched a project to issue new electronic identity…
Digital economy, research and innovationDigital education and skillsDigital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryEthics and integrity (including procurement, transparency, anticorruption, anti-fraud, organised crime, internal control)Investment management, public-private partnerships and state-owned enterprisesPublic healthSustainable development