EPSA Projects


Vorarlberg State Administration (Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung)

vConnect – the common social intranet platform for information, communication and collaboration of the State of Vorarlberg and the Association of all 96 Municipalities of Vorarlberg

Context Vorarlberg, a westernmost state of Austria, collaborated with its municipalities to implement a digital transformation project called vConnect. This project stemmed from their official digitalisation strategy ‘Administration digital –…
Digital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryJust transition
Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia)

Data-driven, proactive and personalised digital services

Context The government of Catalonia, through the Office of Business Management, has launched a project to transform the way companies interact with public administrations. This initiative aims to streamline procedures,…
Better regulation, licensing and inspectionsDigital economy, research and innovationDigital GovernmentDigitalisation of revenue administrationEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryHuman resources managementInvestment management, public-private partnerships and state-owned enterprisesManagement and implementation of EU fundsPublic accounting and statisticsSmall and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectorsState governance and better policy making
Digital Iceland

Digitalising driving education

Context Iceland, a country with a long tradition of young drivers and a necessity for car travel due to its spread-out population, has undergone a significant digital transformation in its…
Digital education and skillsDigital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryInvestment management, public-private partnerships and state-owned enterprisesJust transition
Digital Iceland

Digital application for parental leave

Context Iceland, like many countries, prioritises supporting families during childbirth and early childhood. Parental leave is a legal right, and the Icelandic government provides financial benefits through the Parental Leave…
Digital economy, research and innovationDigital GovernmentDigitalisation of revenue administrationEfficiency of the state organisation and service delivery
Cyprus Office of the Commissioner for State Aid Control

Cyprus de minimis register system (DMRegister)

Context The Cyprus de minimis register system (DMRegister) is an initiative by the Cyprus Office of the Commissioner for State Aid Control (CYCSAC) to ensure all de minimis aid granted…
Access to financeBetter regulation, licensing and inspectionsBudget preparation and implementationDigital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryEthics and integrity (including procurement, transparency, anticorruption, anti-fraud, organised crime, internal control)Expenditure policyPublic accounting and statisticsPublic finances oversightSmall and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectorsState governance and better policy making
Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying

kataster.bev.gv.at – The Austrian land registry

Context In Austria, the Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying (Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen – BEV) has maintained a public registry of land ownership, known as the land registry,…
Digital GovernmentEnvironment and natural resourcesJust transition
ACCIÓ – Agency for Business Competitiveness

International eTrade

Context Recognising the burgeoning potential of digital platforms for international trade, the Agency for Business Competitiveness (Agència per a la Competitivitat Empresarial – ACCIÓ) launched the International eTrade Programme. This…
Digital economy, research and innovationDigital education and skillsForeign investment and trade
AMA – Administrative Modernisation Agency


Context The Portuguese government, through the Agency for Administrative Modernisation (AMA), is committed to modernising public services and improving citizens’ experiences. This effort is driven by the recognition that public…
Small and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectors
Inland Fisheries Ireland

Digital transformation

Context Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) is a government agency responsible for the conservation and development of Ireland’s inland fisheries resources. As part of a national commitment to reduce greenhouse gas…
Efficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryEnergy
Treasury of Iceland (Ríkiskaup)

Datathon – uniting sectors for efficient governance

Context In an era defined by digital transformation, Ríkiskaup, a self-funded entity under Iceland’s Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, remains committed to optimising public procurement practices. To this end,…
Digital economy, research and innovationDigital education and skillsDigital GovernmentFinancial literacyHigher education and researchPublic finances oversight