EPSA Projects


Ministry of Justice

Data-driven justice project

Context The EU’s European Data Strategy emphasises leveraging data for innovation and growth. In line with this, Spain’s Ministry of Justice is prioritising data-driven decision-making within the justice system. This…
Digital GovernmentDigitalisation of revenue administrationJudicial systemsSustainable development
Ministry of Justice

Artificial intelligence in justice

Context The Ministry of Justice in Spain is leading a major project to implement artificial intelligence (AI) through the justice system. This initiative is part of a broader government push…
Digital GovernmentDigitalisation of revenue administrationEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryJudicial systemsSustainable development
Ministry of Justice

The virtual digital interaction desk (EVID)

Context The ‘Virtual Digital Interaction Desk’ (El escritorio virtual de interacción digital – EVID) project is an initiative by the Ministry of Justice in Spain. It falls within the framework…
Digital GovernmentDigitalisation of revenue administrationEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryJudicial systemsSustainable developmentTransport and mobility
16 federal states of the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the Bavarian State Ministry of Justice

GeFa – Gemeinsames Fachverfahren (Nationwide application for Justice Services)

Context The GeFa (Gemeinsames Fachverfahren) project is an initiative driven by Germany’s federal government to streamline and modernise the country’s judicial system. Recognising the inefficiency of each state developing and…
Digital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryJudicial systems
Ministry of Justice

Justice folder

Context The needs that drove the creation of the ‘Justice Folder’ project related to the dispersion and difficulty of access to information in the field of the administration of justice…
Digital GovernmentDigitalisation of revenue administrationEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryJudicial systemsSustainable developmentTransport and mobility
Inspectorate taxes, benefits and customs

Voice of the victims

Context The Inspectorate of taxes, benefits and customs was established after the childcare benefit scandal, in which tax officials wrongly accused thousands of parents of fraud. The scandal revealed severe…
The Netherlands
Efficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryEthics and integrity (including procurement, transparency, anticorruption, anti-fraud, organised crime, internal control)Judicial systemsState governance and better policy making
Netherlands Forensic Institute

Hansken, the open digital forensic platform

First prize winner in category Digital Transformation in EPSA 2023-24 Context Hansken is an open digital forensic platform that is owned and maintained by the Dutch government, via the Ministry of…
The Netherlands
Anti-money launderingDigital GovernmentJudicial systems
Ministry of Justice

Robotic process automation (RPA) in justice

Second prize winner in category Digital Transformation in EPSA 2023-24 Context The General Directorate for Digital Transformation of the Administration of Justice introduced the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) project as…
Digital GovernmentDigitalisation of revenue administrationJudicial systemsState governance and better policy makingSustainable development
Court Administration Republic of Latvia

Court audio record labelling system TIX

The court session audio record labelling system is developed within the framework of the individual project Court modernisation in Latvia. The solution provides employees of judicial authorities with a possibility…
Digital GovernmentJudicial systems