EPSA Projects


The Digital Hub Development Agency (representing Smart D8 Consortium)

Smart D8 – a population health and well-being demonstrator in Dublin

Second prize winner in category Innovation in Public Administration in EPSA 2023-24 Context Smart D8, as an initiative, falls within the Digital Health and Well-being Programme of the Digital Hub, which…
Digital economy, research and innovationDigital healthEffectiveness, efficiency and resilience of health care systemsPublic healthSmall and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectorsState governance and better policy makingSustainable development
Public Policy Secretariat of the Republic of Serbia

Portal of register of administrative procedures – single window for public services

Third prize winner in category Innovation in Public Administration in EPSA 2023-24 Context The Register of Administrative Procedures (RAP) is the single electronic portal for all public services in the Republic of…
Better regulation, licensing and inspectionsDigital economy, research and innovationDigital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliverySmall and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectors

Standard Business Reporting

Before the introduction of Standard Business Reporting (SBR), companies were asked by various government agencies to deliver the same information in multiple ways. For the same data definitions, different data…
The Netherlands
Digital economy, research and innovationDigital GovernmentPublic accounting and statisticsSmall and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectors
Unit B3 Territorial Development, Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Smart Specialisation Platform

Public administrations at regional and national level in Europe are strained in various ways: economic stagnation while globalisation increases competitive pressures; fiscal constraints while citizens and stakeholders demand better involvement…
Budget preparation and implementationDigital economy, research and innovationManagement and implementation of EU funds
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

Skills Panorama

Labour markets and skill needs are constantly evolving. Most EU Member States face high unemployment rates, particularly among the youth, and worrying levels of skills mismatch. Particularly pertinent to tackling…
Digital economy, research and innovationEmployment policiesHuman resources management
Swedish Maritime Administration

Sea Traffic Management

Sea Traffic Management (STM) is a concept with open services based on standardised maritime information sharing. STM has been co-funded by the EU since 2010 in three consecutive projects involving…
Digital economy, research and innovationDigital GovernmentHuman resources managementTransport and mobility
City of Breda

Robby the rat

The city of Breda, a medium-sized city in the Netherlands, established a programme to become a climate-proof city. Keywords in this programme are liveability, awareness and robustness. The main objective…
The Netherlands
ClimateDigital economy, research and innovationEnergyVocational education and training and adult learning
City of Dortmund


The Nordwärts project has existed for more than 10 years and has its main emphasis on the economy and on the general quality of life of the people here. Those…
Digital economy, research and innovationHuman resources managementSustainable development
Madrid Digital Agency

Digital Factory

The Digital Factory is the response of the Regional Government of Madrid to keep adapting to an increasingly digital society. In public administration, the main aim of digital transformation is…
Digital economy, research and innovationDigital GovernmentSmall and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectorsState governance and better policy making
Madrid Digital Agency

360 Office Model

To resolve administrative matters with the Madrid Public Administration, both citizens and civil servants must meet in public offices face to face. This requires them to spend a lot of…
Digital economy, research and innovationDigital GovernmentState governance and better policy making