The revision of the Procedure of External Feedback (PEF)  – almost 400 Effective CAF Users asked to share their opinion


By kicking – off an online survey of almost 400 Effective CAF Users (ECU) across Europe, the CAF National Correspondents Network wants to hear the views and opinions of the Effective CAF Users.

The procedure of External Feedback (PEF) is the recognition scheme to evaluate the self-assessments that have taken place in an organisation. Its many goals comprise: to support the quality of the CAF implementation and its impact on the organisation, to verify the organisation is installing TQM values as the result of the CAF application, as well as to renew enthusiasm in the organisation for continuous improvement by promoting peer review and bench learning.

The PEF is a way to reward organisations that have started the journey towards continuous improvement to achieve excellence in an effective way, without judging their obtained level of excellence.

External Feedback Actors (EFAC’s) – peers and experts in TQM – carry out the PEF and visit the applicant organisation to gather evidence on how the organisation has prepared, implemented and followed up the CAF self-assessment process.

After more than a decade of working with the PEF principles and objectives, a working group among interested CAF National Correspondents in the CAF Network was established to assess the following:

  • What is the added value of the PEF?
  • What is the driving force for applying for the PEF?
  • What are the possible obstacles in the process?
  • What is it that the ECUs would like to share with the CAF Network in terms of improving and refreshing the PEF?

These and other thematic fields have been covered in an online survey which was shared on February 15th 2023 with almost 400 effective CAF users who were awarded the PEF label in the past. The PEF Revision working group will take up the feedback, analyse it and continue with the reflection by creating focus groups among CAF External Feedback Actors, in order to gather their viewpoints as well, as a next step in March 2023. Once the feedback from both ECUs and EFACs has been collected, the PEF revision working Group will start the phase of evaluation of results, and proposals for reform.

The Network, supported by the European CAF Resource Centre would like to especially thank several Slovenian and Austrian ECUs for their great cooperation in testing the online questionnaire during the test run at the beginning of February 2023. Once more, the cooperation between the CAF Network and its peers has proven to be a strong one.

The participating countries in the PEF Revision working group are Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, European CAF Resource Center (EIPA), Italy, Malta, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

Observer countries in the PEF Revision working group are Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Spain, and Switzerland.

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