The Recovery and Resilience (RRF) Regulation: implementing the recovery plans


Recovery and Resilience Regulation Training

A group of 25 participants from the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation and public agencies in the Research, Development and Innovation sector working on the Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRP) have taken part in our latest online seminar held by EIPA and lasting two half days.

This online course is designed to help officials from the Ministry and implementing agencies to understand the details and the specificities of the Recovery and Resilience Facility Regulation and the implementation of the plans in the Member States, with a special focus on Research, Development and Innovation.


Exchange of Good Practices

During the session on 27 to 28 September, representatives from the DG Research, the Joint Research Centre and DG for Economic and Financial Affairs and experts from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science contributed to the exchange of good practices on the effective use of funds, public and private sector support, human resources and skills.

The first session of this training took place on 7-8 July and was attended by colleagues from the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy as well as representative of the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) – H2020-TEAMING-Centre-of-Excellence, the Cyprus Institute.



For further information on tailor-made training opportunities relating to the RRF, please contact Marco Lopriore at

Tags ESIF and recovery & reform