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European Investment Bank
Davide Sartori (IT) is a CBA specialist at the European Investment Bank and JASPERS – Networking and Competence Centre.
Davide is an economist, expert in the appraisal of public investment projects and in particular in financial, economic and risk analyses. In JASPERS, he is responsible for capacity building in the EU Member States on economic methodologies for project evaluation. Davide is the lead author of the last edition of the European Commission’s Guide to Cost-benefit Analysis of Investment Projects.
Previously, Davide has been appointed by several International Institutions (EuropeanCommission, World Bank, European Investment Bank and African Development Bank) to provide technical assistance in project evaluation. Davide has been carrying out training courses on cost-benefit analysis targeting officials from EU, national and regional authorities. On regular basis, Davide is visiting professor at EIPA, European Institute of Public Administration (Barcelona), and at the University of Milan.