Training on the lessons learned from ESI funded programmes

Training on the lessons learned from ESI funded programmes

In November and December 2021, EIPA delivered for the Latvian Sabiedribas informesanas centrs two training seminars with the global objective to provide hands-on training on the lessons learned from ESI-funded programmes:

  • “Audit and anti-fraud measures in EU Funds in the programming period 2021-2027”;
  • “Implementing the new EU funded programmes in Latvia 2021-2027”.

The specific objectives includeds the following:

  • Provide specific information to the Member State on management of ESI funded programmes and detection of fraud prevention (based on real project examples);
  • Exchange information on existing practices in the Member State, lessons learnt, achievements, areas of improvement.

EIPA’s responsibilities included:

  • Overall contract management
  • Design and implementation of tailor-made training courses
  • Design and delivery of (e-learning) solutions
  • Production of training materials
  • Organisation and logistical support of training
  • Evaluation of training

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If your organisation or institute has a specific training need, you can create your own course by building on the core modules of our existing courses and e-learning models. We also offer consultancy and coaching in different formats to European public administrations and agencies. Don’t hesitate to contact us.