Multiannual framework contracts with the EU
Since 2021, EIPA has been managing the multiannual EU framework contract covering Learning and development services in the fields of European and international affairs, EU governance, law, policymaking and strategy building.
This is the fifth successive multiannual framework contract on EU governance that EIPA has won since 2003, previously in partnership with the College of Europe and Lattanzio Learning.
These contracts cover almost all the EU institutions, bodies and agencies.
In 2023, we organised 463 activities with a total of 8,557 participants.

These activities cover EU law, EU decision-making and economics; Better Regulation, strategic foresight and new approaches to policymaking; and a range of EU policies including the environment, asylum and migration and EU external action. They are organised in close collaboration with the responsible unit or division.
While we draw on a broad network of external specialists and partner organisations, most of EIPA’s own experts contribute to these large-scale framework contracts. This means that we are familiar with the latest developments in EU policies and processes, as well as having direct contact with actors across the EU universe. Input and insights we receive from EU practitioners about policy issues and perspectives enrich all EIPA’s activities.

The illustrative table below shows the main activities of this sort that we have delivered on a regular basis for the Commission, Parliament and Council.
Main series of activities delivered, 2016-2021
| DG Human Resources
DG Joint Research Centre
DG Research and Innovation
DG Trade
DG Interpretation (SCIC)
- EU policies and EP powers
- EU law for non-lawyers
- Economics for everyone
- Drafting legislation
- Working with legislative amendments
- EP Rules of Procedure
- Legislative procedures
- Delegating and implementing acts
- EU decision-making in the budgetary field
- EU environmental law
- Economic governance in the EU
- External action and the EP
- Citizenship of the EU
- Rule of law
- Judicial cooperation in criminal matters
- Cybersecurity
- Data protection
- Protocol and etiquette
- EU institutions and legal acts
- EU law for non-lawyers
- Delegated and implementing acts
- EU financial services
- Better Stats, Better Policy
- Political thinking
- Writing effective policy briefings
- Delivering better oral briefings
- Strategic foresight and scenario planning
- Smart policy thinking
- Open Source Intelligence
- Equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion