Public Service Performance in Social Safety: Key Findings, International Trends and Best Practices


On 14 March, our experts presented the key findings of the second chapter of the 2022 edition of the International Benchmarking Study conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations of the Netherlands, and launched the interactive dashboard.

We evaluated and compared the performance of public services in social safety across 35 countries to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of relevant activities, policies, and strategies. The event provided an overview of crime-related challenges, emphasising crime prevention and criminal justice strategies, and it highlighted international trends and best practices.

10 Key Findings

  • Denmark, Finland, and Norway exhibit some of the lowest public expenditure in social safety.
  • These countries also demonstrate lower police-population and judges-population ratios.
  • Ireland, New Zealand, and Germany lead in respecting due process and individual rights.
  • Finland, Switzerland, Norway, New Zealand, and Iceland boast some of the most reliable police services.
  • The US is highlighted for having one of the least impartial criminal justice systems.
  • Low crime rates alone do not signify effectiveness.
  • Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden exhibit high crime rates but score well in law enforcement effectiveness.
  • These countries also demonstrate high levels of compliance with due process and citizens’ rights.
  • In general, despite high crime rates, there are positive perceptions of safety and trust in legal institutions.
  • Some countries reported high trust/confidence with the police but low trust/confidence with legal or judicial systems.


Did you miss the event? We have recorded it for you. Watch it here.


Go to the Dashboard

Upcoming Launch of the Education Dashboard

In our next event, we will focus on evaluating the performance of public services in the area of education. Our experts will provide a comprehensive benchmarking analysis of educational systems, highlighting similarities, differences, and changes over time. The intention is to inform decision-makers about various educational practices and stimulate informed decisions.

Join our experts on 11 April from 12.30 to 13.30 CET as they will present the key findings and the interactive dashboard! Registrations are open.