Ute Kallenberger

Ute Kallenberger

European Data Protection Supervisor

Professional experience

Ute is Head of Audits at the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), the European Union’s independent data protection authority responsible for supervising the processing of personal data by the European institutions, bodies and agencies.

Ute joined EU institutions in 2001 as national expert seconded by national tax administration to the European Commission’s DG ECFIN, where she was handling infringement cases regarding the free movement of capital, in particular golden shares. After becoming an EU official, Ute continued to deal with these topics and other cross-border investment issues as well as anti-money laundering at the European Commission’s former DG MARKT. She joined the EDPS in 2011 as legal officer responsible for a variety of supervisory tasks such as complaints handling and providing guidance and has been coordinating the audit activity of the EDPS since 2013.

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