EPSA Projects


Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment

Free eID and cloud signature – equal access to the digital revolution

Context In 2017, the Serbian government set digitalisation as one of its priorities. New legislation was aligned with European standards, aiming to make electronic transactions as legally sound as paper-based…
Digital GovernmentDigital healthDigitalisation of revenue administrationEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryJust transitionSmall and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectorsSustainable development
Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia)

Data-driven, proactive and personalised digital services

Context The government of Catalonia, through the Office of Business Management, has launched a project to transform the way companies interact with public administrations. This initiative aims to streamline procedures,…
Better regulation, licensing and inspectionsDigital economy, research and innovationDigital GovernmentDigitalisation of revenue administrationEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryHuman resources managementInvestment management, public-private partnerships and state-owned enterprisesManagement and implementation of EU fundsPublic accounting and statisticsSmall and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectorsState governance and better policy making
Cyprus Office of the Commissioner for State Aid Control

Cyprus de minimis register system (DMRegister)

Context The Cyprus de minimis register system (DMRegister) is an initiative by the Cyprus Office of the Commissioner for State Aid Control (CYCSAC) to ensure all de minimis aid granted…
Access to financeBetter regulation, licensing and inspectionsBudget preparation and implementationDigital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryEthics and integrity (including procurement, transparency, anticorruption, anti-fraud, organised crime, internal control)Expenditure policyPublic accounting and statisticsPublic finances oversightSmall and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectorsState governance and better policy making
AMA – Administrative Modernisation Agency


Context The Portuguese government, through the Agency for Administrative Modernisation (AMA), is committed to modernising public services and improving citizens’ experiences. This effort is driven by the recognition that public…
Small and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectors
RTVE – Radiotelevisión Española (Spanish Radio and Television Corporation)

Elections, media and artificial intelligence, no one without information

Context In today’s hyper-connected and digital world, democracies need to pay attention to their founding principles including the right to report the news freely, which is often regarded as the…
Digital economy, research and innovationDigital GovernmentEthics and integrity (including procurement, transparency, anticorruption, anti-fraud, organised crime, internal control)Investment management, public-private partnerships and state-owned enterprisesJust transitionSmall and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectorsState governance and better policy makingSustainable development
Central Statistics Office Ireland

Census interactive mapping application

Context The Central Statistics Office of Ireland recognised the persistent lack of comprehensive community information and the importance of accurate and up-to-date census data for informed decision-making. Various government programmes…
Budget preparation and implementationDigital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryExpenditure policyLabour Market, Education, Health and Social ServicesPublic accounting and statisticsSmall and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectorsState governance and better policy makingSustainable developmentTransport and mobility
Municipality of Wiltz

Circular Innovation HUB

Context The City of Wiltz has approximately 7 200 inhabitants and is located in the green heart of the Ardennes area, which lies in the north of the Grand Duchy of…
Budget preparation and implementationClimateEnvironment and natural resourcesJust transitionSchool educationSmall and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectorsSustainable developmentTransport and mobilityVocational education and training and adult learning
Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment

National platform for artificial intelligence – AI as a common good

Context In 2017, digitalisation and education became the top priorities for the Government of Serbia. Technology, especially artificial intelligence, was identified as the engine that could provide the necessary shift…
Better regulation, licensing and inspectionsClimateDigital economy, research and innovationDigital GovernmentDigital healthEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryEnergyJust transitionPublic healthSmall and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectorsState governance and better policy makingSustainable developmentTax fraud and evasion
Barcelona Provincial Council

SeTDIBA: a journey of digital transformation

Context The Spanish Government authorities are aiming to boost their digital strategy to tackle global challenges and meet EU goals for the digital transformation. However, the speed of implementation varies…
Digital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryEthics and integrity (including procurement, transparency, anticorruption, anti-fraud, organised crime, internal control)Small and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectors