EIPA in conversation with

The EU’s response to the Ukraine’s invasion: One year after

24 Februar 2023
13.00 - 14.00

Background Information

A year ago, on 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine, which prompted an unprecedented response from the European Union. Specifically, the EU imposed a historic set of sanctions targeting inter alia the Russian economy.

A year later, our next edition of ‚EIPA in conversation with‘ seeks to examine the current state of sanctions and Common and Foreign Security Policy (CFSP), as well as the challenges the EU faces in terms of immigration, the Energy Union, and enlargement.

What will the round-table cover?

  • Sanctions under the CFSP: where do we stand?
  • Enlargement for Ukraine and Moldova: what are the reasonable perspectives?
  • Immigration: what are the challenges raised by the invasion?
  • Energy Union: where does the EU stand with the security of supply and its’ strategic autonomy?

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