Wolfgang Koeth

EU external relations

Trade, EU Enlargement, CFSP/CSDP

Professional experience

Wolfgang Koeth is a Senior Expert at EIPA, specialising in EU external relations, Common Commercial Policy (CCP) and external financial instruments. Before joining EIPA in 2009, Wolfgang was Team Leader at the EU office in Pristina, in charge of implementing the European Commission’s assistance in the rule of law sector. Prior to the 2004 enlargement, he worked as a Political Advisor and Programme Manager within the EC Delegation in Vilnius and as a Lecturer in European Affairs at the University of Vilnius. He also spent some years at the European Parliament as a political advisor, specialising in the EU’s relations with its eastern neighbours.

Wolfgang is a graduate of the Institute of Political Studies at the Robert Schuman University in Strasbourg. He also holds a degree in Russian Studies from the French National Institute of Eastern Languages and Cultures (INALCO) in Paris, and a degree in French and German Comparative Studies from the Nouvelle Sorbonne.

Since May 2023, Wolfgang is project director for EIPA’s framework contract on EU Governance.

Read Wolfgang's interview



Koeth, W. (2018) ‘From ‘Global Europe’ to trade defence: the EU responds to Trump and China’ EIPA Working Paper

Koeth, W. (2016) ‘Can the Investment Court System (ICS) save TTIP and CETA?’ EIPA Working Paper 2016/W/01.

Koeth, W. (2016) ‘Leadership Revised: How Did the Ukraine Crisis and the Annexation of Crimea Affirm Germany’s Leading Role in EU Foreign Policy?’, Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review 2015-2016, pp.101-116.

Koeth, W. (2014) ‘The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements: an Appropriate Response by the EU to the Challenges in its Neighbourhood?’ Eipascope 2014, pp. 23-30.

Koeth, W. (2014) ‘The New Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II): Less Accession, More Assistance?‘ EIPA Working Paper 1/14.

Koeth, W. (2013) ‘The Serbia-Kosovo agreement on Kosovo’s regional representation and the Feasibility study: a breakthrough in EU-Kosovo relations?’, European Foreign Affairs Review, 18:1 pp.127-144.

Koeth, W. (2012) ‘Streamlining of policies or additional level of complexity? The impact of the EEAS on EU – Western Balkans relations’, Croatian International Relations Review, 18:67 pp. 5-23.

Koeth, W. (2012) ‘La Bosnie, le Kosovo et l’UE : une adhésion est-elle possible en l’absence d’une pleine souveraineté?’ Eipascope 2012/01, pp. 31-36. (In English)

Koeth, W. (2011) ‘The Continuous Challenge of Enlargement’Eipascope 2011/1 30th anniversary special issue, pp. 59-62.

Koeth, W. (2010) ‘State building without a state: The EU’s dilemma in defining its relations with Kosovo’, European Foreign Affairs Review, 15:2 pp. 227-247.


Koeth, W. ‘Standards and common values – Kosovo and the Thessaloniki process’, UNMIK Focus Kosovo, Aug. – Sept. 2005, pp. 25.

Koeth, W., Ex Oriente Lux: Ein Blick in die Zukunft der EU: Mit-Ost Magazin Nr. 13, May 2004, Robert-Bosch-Stiftung, Stuttgart.

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