EU decision-making

Understanding EU Decision-Making: Principles, Procedures, Practice

Get up to speed on the different powers the EU has, who does what, and how you can play a role in shaping EU decisions. The online introductory module presents the foundations of decision-making in the EU. The new online module on comitology provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the practices and politics of comitology.

About this course

“I’m participating in that meeting in Brussels next week. Is it an expert group or a comitology committee?”

“I need to brief the boss about what to expect. Will the Commission ask her to vote?”

“How can I know where our issue is in the EU decision process, and what comes next?”

Simple questions, the answers to which may be complex, and yet can make your job easier. This course will get you up to speed on the essential elements of how the EU system works: the different powers that the EU has, who does what, and how you can have a role in shaping EU decisions. It is concise but thorough, and focusses in detail on EU law-making.

To get maximum benefits out of this course, irrespective of your level of knowledge on EU decision-making, we have included a preliminary module that introduces the foundations of decision-making in the EU.

What will you learn

  • The legal bases for what the EU can and cannot do
  • The main ways in which decisions are taken
  • The different powers that Member States have given to the EU
  • The differences between legislative acts, implementing acts (the world of ‘comitology’!) and the new delegated acts, relating them to their place in the EU policy cycle, as well as in the hierarchy of laws.
  • The decision-making procedures within the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament, and the ways in which national officials and other stakeholders fit into the policy process.
  • The ordinary legislative procedure and how a ‘trilogue’ works.
  • Delegated and implementing acts using topical cases (including the well-known ‘glyphosate’ saga).

Course methodology/highlights:

We believe learning happens best with practical knowledge. So this course includes:

  • Extensive insights with multiple examples and real life cases
  • Group exercises
  • Role plays and simulation games
  • Inputs from experienced EU practitioners as the basis for discussion among participants about the practical demands of participation in the various stages of EU decision-making.

Each day will end early or mid-afternoon to allow ample time to process the content, prepare for the next day, and do any necessary work related tasks.

For this course we offer two other options for which you can register:

If you are confident of all the basics, and do not feel that you need any further training on it, you can register only for the main course. If you only want to refresh your knowledge you can register for the Preliminary module.


  • Understand the essential principles and procedures that you need to know in order to be credible when operating in an EU context
  • Be able to decode messages and reports from Brussels
  • Be more effective in your own interactions with other officials
  • Be better equipped to explain how things work to your colleagues and associates
  • Have a feel for how things work in practice, and be able to prepare appropriately
  • Have a solid basis for continuous learning on the job afterwards.

Course material and learning support

The course spans 3.5 days, in order to have time for ample exercises and discussions. Sufficient breaks and pauses have been included to ensure an effective online course.

You will receive a set of concise preparatory materials in advance, to ensure that you have a basic knowledge of EU processes and thus be able to take full advantage of the detailed sessions and practical exercises in the course. To provide course materials and to facilitate learning, we make use of the online platform Moodle.

In order to help retain and deepen the knowledge acquired afterwards, you will receive a copy of Edward Best’s book Understanding EU Decision-Making, published with the support of the EU Publications Office.

You will also have access to the course materials for a duration of three months after the course.

  • Officials who have taken on a new role in Brussels
  • Officials who have to take part in meetings in the Commission or Council
  • Anyone who needs to know how EU decision-making works in practice

Online Course
For this online course we make use of Zoom

Programme Organiser
Ms Belinda Vetter
Tel: + 31 43 3296382

EIPA member fee
EIPA offers a discount to all civil servants working for one of EIPA’s supporting countries, and civil servants working for an EU institution, body or agency.

Who are the supporting countries?
Civil servants coming from the following EIPA supporting countries are entitled to get the reduced fee: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden.

For all other participants, the regular fee applies.

Early bird discount
The early bird discount is not cumulative with other discounts or promo codes, except for the EIPA member fee.

Confirmation of registration will be forwarded to participants on receipt of the completed online registration form.

Prior payment is a condition for participation.

Cancellation policy
For administrative reasons you will be charged € 50 for cancellations received within 7 days before the activity begins. There is no charge for qualified substitute participants.

EIPA reserves the right to cancel the activity up to 1 week before the starting date. In that case, registration fees received will be fully reimbursed.

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Our experts


EU decision-making for newcomers (optional preliminary module)
08.50Opening of on-line platform at 08.50, Europe Summer Time (Amsterdam)
09.00The European Union in 2021: basic structures and competences
10.00Coffee break
10.15Group Exercise: Introduction to the EU institutions
10.30Introduction to the EU institutions
11.30Coffee break
11.45Introduction to acts and decision-making procedures
12.30Questions and answers
13.00End of the preliminary module
08.50Opening of on-line platform at 08.50, Europe Summer Time (Amsterdam)
09.00Welcome and self-presentation of the participants
Edward Best
09.15Introduction and overview of EU decision-making
The day begins with a quick quiz and a succinct summary of the main points covered in the preliminary reading / preliminary module concerning the structures and competences of the EU.
Who does what in the EU institutional system?
Group exercise
In order to engage you actively, we present a simple model of the core EU policy cycle, indicating the main roles and functions that are involved. You will divide into breakout groups and, using an interactive whiteboard tool, you will match schematic outlines with sets of institutional actors and instruments.
10.15Coffee break
The exercise is followed by a debriefing that establishes the framework for the following sessions.
11.15Coffee break
11.30The Commission and legislative proposals
You then look in more detail at the start of the policy cycle. We explain how the Commission elaborates legislative proposals and outlines the role of expert groups, public consultations and impact assessments.
12.20Group exercise: The Commission and legislative proposals
You will discuss one example of a recent legislative initiative to identify opportunities for stakeholders to provide input to the elaboration of a Commission proposal.
14.00The Ordinary Legislative Procedure
We continue with an overview of the Ordinary Legislative Procedure, by which the European Parliament and the Council have to agree on most legislative proposals.
14.40Worked case study on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure
A case is now presented. This will take you round the whole legislative cycle. The first part looks at the original process from problem definition to adoption and initial implementation of the directive.
15.25Case study on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure (cont.)
The second part of the AFID case study looks at how the directive was evaluated, and how the Commission prepared a proposal for revision that was presented in July 2021.
16.00Assignment of individual roles for the simulation exercise and distribution of mandates. You are invited to devote some time in the afternoon to individual background preparation for the exercise.
End of the first day
08.50Opening of on-line platform at 08.50, Europe Summer Time (Amsterdam)
09.00Simulation exercise
A different case is now used to simulate a meeting in the Council framework at which you need to reach a compromise text as a basis for negotiation with the European Parliament.
Radovan Schida, Political Administrator, General Secretariat of the Council
First round of discussions
09.45Second round of discussions
10.30Coffee break
10.45Third round of discussions
11.15Coffee break
11.30Debriefing and general discussion
We now summarize how the act was finalized in the real inter-institutional negotiations and open a general discussion on legislative procedures.
13.30Delegated and implementing acts
Group exercise – who does what?

You will work in groups to identify the actors and procedures involved in the adoption of ‘delegated acts’ and ’implementing acts’ and how they are put into practice.
Debriefing with specific examples, illustrating how the EU institutions, Member States and stakeholders contribute to the process.
15.00Recapitulation of main points covered during the day
Introduction of exercise for day 3 and distribution of preliminary reading.
15.15End of second day
08.50Opening of on-line platform at 08.50, Europe Summer Time (Amsterdam)
09.00Law and non-law in EU problem-solving
We introduce a policy challenge in the EU. You start by discussing in groups the different levels and instruments of possible action. What can be done at EU, national or sub-state level? How far are legislative approaches applicable? What other methods can be used?
10.10You share the conclusions of your work in plenary
11.00Coffee break
11.15Practical perspectives: national officials and EU decision-making
The final sessions discuss how national officials and other stakeholders can prepare to participate effectively in EU meetings.
Mieke De Regt, Member of the Contact Network, Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC); former Counsellor, Permanent Representation of Belgium to the EU
12.05Practical perspectives: preparing for EU decision-making
Q&A session and discussion led by Mieke De Regt
12.45Wrap-up and evaluation
13.00End of the course

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Understanding EU Decision-Making: Principles, Procedures, Practice (incl. online Preliminary Module)

24 Mar 2022 - 1 Apr 2022
Register before: 23 Mar 2022

Simultaneous interpretation can be offered. Contact the programme organizer for more information and conditions.

 1.050 per attendee
 945 for EIPA members
Registration closed

Discount policy

EIPA offers a discount to all civil servants working for one of EIPA’s supporting countries, and civil servants working for an EU institution, body or agency.

Who are the supporting countries?

Civil servants coming from the following EIPA supporting countries are entitled to get the reduced fee: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden.

For all other participants, the regular fee applies.

Early bird discount

For a limited number of training courses, EIPA offers an early bird discount.

For more information please contact us.

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Register before: 23 Mar 2022
Registration closed