EU decision-making

Understanding EU Decision-Making: Principles, Procedures, Practice

Get up to speed on the different powers the EU has, who does what, and how you can play a role in shaping EU decisions. The online introductory module presents the foundations of decision-making in the EU. The new online module on comitology provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the practices and politics of comitology.

About this course

This course will provide you with a thorough understanding of the legal principles and procedures underpinning decision-making in the EU. It offers insights into the formal and informal interactions of institutions and stakeholders, enabling participants to effectively contribute to decision-making processes.

The course includes three modules:

Introduction (online, 2 & 4 April)

  • The institutional framework of the EU: who is doing what in the EU?
  • Foundations of EU decision-making: what are the main legal and political principles informing EU decision-making?
  • Policy making: which instruments do the institutions have at their disposal to pursue common objectives?

Main module (face-to-face, 9-11 April)

  • Detailed examination of EU decision making based on the model of the legislative policy cycle, e.g. programming of general policy objectives for agenda setting and policy initiation
  • The role of the Commission in initiating legislation (internal procedures, consultation with stakeholders etc.) and how national officials and other stakeholders contribute to policy formulation
  • The adoption of legislative acts (Treaty provisions, legislative procedures, internal procedures of the co-legislators, interinstitutional negotiations etc.)
  • Implementation of policies at EU level; the difference between implementing acts and delegated acts
  • International dimension of EU decision-making

Comitology module (online, 16 April)

  • Implementation at EU-level: who is doing what?
  • Legal, procedural and organisational foundations of comitology
  • Practicalities and politics of comitology decision-making

This course is based on our ‘blended learning’ methodology with both online and in-person interaction prior, during and after the course. Throughout the course, there is plenty of time for questions and opportunity for discussions.

The course methodology includes

  • Group exercises
  • Multiple examples and real-life cases
  • Role plays and simulation exercise
  • Input from experienced EU practitioners
  • Interactive online elements to facilitate participants’ independent learning including feedback
  • Quizzes, surveys and discussion questions

For this course, you can choose one of the following options:

  • Book the full course for a comprehensive training. We advise you to select this option to get the maximum benefits. To enrol in the full course click Book full course. The full course includes three modules:
    1. Introduction(online, 2 & 4 April)
    2. Main module (face-to-face, 9-11 April)
    3. Comitology module (online, 16 April)
  • Book any combination of the modules depending on your individual needs. To enrol click Book module(s) and select one module or a combination of two modules.

‘I’m participating in that meeting in Brussels next week. Is it an expert group or a comitology committee?’

‘I need to brief my boss about what to expect. Will the Commission ask her to vote?’

‘How can I know where our issue is in the EU decision process, and what comes next?’

Simple questions, the answers to which may be complex, and yet can make your job easier. This course will get you up to speed on the essential elements of how the EU system works: the different powers that the EU has, who does what, and how you can have a role in shaping EU decisions. It is concise but thorough and focuses in detail on EU law-making.

After taking this course you will:

  • Understand the essential principles and procedures that you need to know in order to be credible when operating in an EU context
  • Be able to decode messages and reports from Brussels
  • Be more effective in your own interactions with other officials
  • Be better equipped to explain how things work to your colleagues and associates
  • Have a feel for how things work in practice, and be able to prepare appropriately
  • Have a solid basis for continuous learning on the job afterwards

Through our online learning platform, we provide course material and facilitate independent learning for participants.

You will also have access to the course materials for a duration of six months after the course

  • Officials who have taken on a new role in Brussels
  • Officials who have to take part in meetings in the Commission or Council
  • Anyone who needs to know how EU decision-making works in practice

Project number: 2512201

Online Introductory & Comitology modules
The Introductory (2 & 4 April)  & Comitology (16 April) modules will take place online via Zoom.

Course venue main course
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)
O.L. Vrouweplein 22
6211 HE, Maastricht
The Netherlands

Project Management Officer
Ms Belinda Vetter
Tel: +31 43 3296382

The fee of the full course includes documentation and refreshments, lunches, a reception and dinner, and a walking tour of Maastricht. Accommodation and travel costs are at the expense of the participants or their administration.

EIPA member fee
EIPA offers a discount to all civil servants working for one of EIPA’s supporting countries, and civil servants working for an EU institution, body or agency.

Who are the supporting countries?
Civil servants coming from the following EIPA supporting countries are entitled to get the reduced fee: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden.

For all other participants, the regular fee applies.

Early bird discount
The early bird discount is not cumulative with other discounts or promo codes, except for the EIPA member fee.

Loyalty coupon
As a token of appreciation we offer all our participants a loyalty coupon for one of our future courses. The offer can be shared with colleagues and relevant networks. The coupon will expire one year after its release. This discount is not cumulative with other discounts, except for the EIPA member fee.

Dietary preferences can be indicated on the registration form.

Hotel reservations
EIPA has special price arrangements with a number of hotels. The hotels are within walking distance from EIPA. If you wish to take advantage of this option, please click on the hotel name to book directly using the link. Payment is to be made directly and personally to the hotel upon checking out.

Confirmation of registration will be forwarded to participants on receipt of the completed online registration form.

Prior payment is a condition for participation.

Cancellation policy
For administrative reasons you will be charged €150 for cancellations received within 15 days before the activity begins. There is no charge for qualified substitute participants.

EIPA reserves the right to cancel the activity up to 2 weeks before the starting date. In that case, registration fees received will be fully reimbursed. EIPA accepts no responsibility for any costs incurred (travel, accommodation, etc.).

A few days before the start of the course you will receive the log-in details for accessing the course materials. You can log in here.

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Our experts


Introduction to decision-making in the European Union (online course) – Part 1
Christoph Klika, Senior Expert and Project Leader, EIPA Maastricht (NL)
13.00The institutional framework of the EU
14.45Foundations of EU decision-making: principles and procedures
16.00Policy instruments
16.45Questions and answers
17.00End of Part 1
Introduction to decision-making in the European Union (online course) – Part 2
Christoph Klika
13.00Feedback and discussion of self-learning activities
14.10Resources and databases: finding and reading EU documents
14.50Concluding discussion
15.00End of Part 2
09.00Welcome and self-presentation of the participants
Christoph Klika
09.15Introduction and overview of EU decision-making
The day begins with a succinct summary of the foundations.
Christoph Klika
Who does what in the EU policy cycle?
Group exercise
The exercise builds on the model of the policy cycle, indicating the main roles and functions in legislative decision-making. Participants divide into breakout groups to match schematic outlines with institutional actors and instruments. The exercise is followed by a debriefing.
10.15Debriefing (I): policy priorities and programming
The first part of the debriefing explains how policies enter the agenda and are programmed with a view to decision-making.
Christoph Klika
11.00Coffee break
11.30Debriefing (II): the Commission and legislative proposals
The second part focusses on the internal procedures of the Commission. We explain how legislative proposals are elaborated and outline the role of expert groups, public consultations and impact assessments.
Christoph Klika
14.00Debriefing (III): European Parliament and Council
The third part focusses on the internal procedures of the European Parliament and the Council when examining the Commission proposal.
Christoph Klika
15.30Coffee break
16.00Negotiation: presentation of simulation exercise
In preparation for the simulation exercise, the Firearms Directive will be presented. The Directive serves as the case for simulating Member States’ negotiations in the Council. Individual roles will be assigned and participants are invited to study their mandates for the simulation.
Christoph Klika
17.00End of the day
18.00Reception and dinner
09.00Simulation exercise: the Firearms Directive
In the exercise, participants simulate a meeting in the Council framework with the goal of reaching a compromise text as a basis for negotiation with the European Parliament.
Radovan Schida, Political Administrator, General Secretariat of the Council
Christoph Klika
11.30Group photo and coffee break
Following a debriefing of the exercise, the decision-making process of adopting the Firearms Directive will be presented.
14.00Debriefing (IV): Adoption
The fourth part focusses on the institutional interactions of the co-legislators during the legislative procedures with a focus on the Ordinary Legislative Procedure.
Christoph Klika
15.30Coffee break
16.00Debriefing (V): EU-level implementation
The fifth part of the debriefing focusses on the adoption of delegated and implementing acts.
Christoph Klika
17.00End of the day
17.15Guided walking tour of Maastricht
18.45End of the walking tour
09.00The international dimension of EU decision-making
In this session, we extend our view to include the international dimension of decision-making by presenting the most important procedures in selected areas, e.g. trade, and by reflecting on EU external relations in salient policy areas, e.g. climate, agriculture.
Wolfgang Koeth, Senior Expert, EIPA Maastricht (NL)
10.30Coffee break
11.00Practical perspectives: preparing for EU decision-making
The final session provides an inside view of EU procedures. You will then discuss how national officials and other stakeholders can prepare to contribute effectively to EU policy-making.
Maria Boka, Senior Public Policy Manager, ESET
12.30Conclusion and evaluation
13.00End of the course
Implementing Acts: Procedures, practice and politics (online course)
The special module on comitology extends on the foundations of EU-level implementation (see Debriefing Part V). In this module, the procedures underpinning the adoption of Implementing Acts will be discussed in detail. Participants actively engage in several case studies to unpack the operational challenges of EU-level implementation and the politics of comitology.
10.00Foundations: legal framework, procedures and organisational structure
Christoph Klika
12.00Lunch break
13.00Case studies (Part 1)
14.45Case studies (Part 2)
16.00Questions and answers
16.30End of the course

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Understanding EU Decision-Making: Principles, Procedures, Practice

2 Apr 2025 - 16 Apr 2025
Maastricht (NL) & Online
Register before: 26 Mar 2025

Simultaneous interpretation can be offered. Contact the programme organizer for more information and conditions.

 2.100 per attendee
 1.890 for EIPA members

Discount policy

EIPA offers a discount to all civil servants working for one of EIPA’s supporting countries, and civil servants working for an EU institution, body or agency.

Who are the supporting countries?

Civil servants coming from the following EIPA supporting countries are entitled to get the reduced fee: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden.

For all other participants, the regular fee applies.

Early bird discount

For a limited number of training courses, EIPA offers an early bird discount.

For more information please contact us.

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 2.100 per attendee
 1.890 for EIPA members

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Register before: 26 Mar 2025