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Understanding EU Decision-Making: Principles, Procedures, Practice
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Peter Bonnor, case handler, EU Ombudsman
A very ambitious and well managed course (also in terms of organisation). Highly relevant also for those who think they already roughly know how EU legislation is prepared and adopted. The content goes well beyond textbook material or similar online information sources. In addition to the course tutor’s truly immense knowledge of the field (and his ability to convey that knowledge), a remarkable feature is the participation of insiders from the EU institutions. Finally, at the course 03/2019, the group of participants had an almost ideal mix of EU officials, stakeholders (including from third countries), national ministries and Parliaments. Thank you!
Michal Kokeš
Very useful and well organized course with a good balance between presentations and interactive excercises, both excellently taught and managed. It brought a good understanding and a clear and logical overview of the EU legislation-making. A good opportunity for networking too. I definitely recommend this course to my colleagues.
Niels Hanje
Excellent course. Very dense on information, but presented comprehensively. In addition to the excellent professor, participants sharing their own EU experience offered very valuable information too.
Judith Gelbman
Really learned a lot of practical and useful information in the course that I will definitely be able to put to use in my work in Brussels. The expertise of the lecturer was at a very high level and he was able to present the information well and in a clear and organized way, both through lectures and group work. The simulation exercise was fun and effective. I also enjoyed the networking opportunities the course provided.
Darren McCormack
The course was excellent and I really feel that it is a must for anyone that is working within the realms of EU Legislation. Not only was the course informative but the use of practical simulation exercises really did help cement the theory. Also the networking opportunity was great, getting to share ideas and thoughts with so many likeminded people. I would most certainly be recommending this course to my colleagues.
Leire Segura
A very interesting course for everybody who works in an European institution or in a body related to the EU. It presents very thorough content, in a very nice way, with a lot of practical examples, which make it really interesting. There is even a simulation exercise, which lets the participants deeply feel like if they were participating in a EU decision-making process. The organisation (coffee breaks, dinner, supporting materials, etc.) was great. I will recommend it to all my colleagues. I hope that I will have the opportunity to attend a future EIPA course!
Anna Sapota
Very interesting and very practical overview of the law-making process in the EU. It was a really valuable experience.
Daniel Griffin
This is a fantastic course for anyone who works with EU legislation, at any stage of the legislative process. The course is comprehensive and thorough, but taught clearly and with great structure by an approachable and very experienced tutor. The school itself is modern and well run and there is a good social dimension to the course.
Sandra Hili Vassallo
The course was excellent both in content and presentation wise. It could be quite intense at times, but the discussions and simulation exercise made sure that particiants feel involved at all times. Coffee breaks, dinner and farewell reception were very good and provided a good break and an opportunity to network. Expertise and passion for the topics of the lecturers and guest speakers was evident and very motivational. I do hope to have another opportunity to attend an EIPA course some time in the future.
Christophe Bolot
Excellent, very thorough, dynamic training on EU decision-making procedures, alternating theories and many practical exercises. Bravo
Understanding EU Decision-Making: Principles, Procedures, Practice
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EIPA offers a discount to all civil servants working for one of EIPA’s supporting countries, and civil servants working for an EU institution, body or agency.
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Civil servants coming from the following EIPA supporting countries are entitled to get the reduced fee: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden.
For all other participants, the regular fee applies.
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Understanding EU Decision-Making: Principles, Procedures, Practice
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