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Dear CAF user,
welcome to the European CAF Resource Centre’s CAF e-tool!
Our aim is to support CAF users during their assessment cycle by providing online access to a tool aiding the assessment of all CAF 9 criteria and 28 sub-criteria. This online tool allows for streamlined inputs at your convenience and pace that are summarized in one report.
We are dedicated to supporting the CAF users to get the most out of their assessment. Whether you are new to the CAF or a seasoned veteran, our CAF e-tool is designed to make your assessment process as smooth and efficient as possible.
The e-tool process:
- Please let the CAF Coordinator (self-assessment group leader/manager) of your organisation fill in the application form below.
- She/He/They will be contacted by the European CAF Resource Centre representative within three working days via the email provided in the form. This email will contain:
- EIPA’s internal ID number of your organisation.
- Additional information & guidance on how to use the e-tool effectively.
- The link that your CAF self-assessment group members can use to access the online survey.
- A number of tokens (passwords) for individualised access to that survey for the CAF self-assessment group members. It is then on the CAF Coordinator to distribute the link and one of the tokens to each of the orgnisations SAG Group members.
Now the assessment can commence!
- After closure of the assessment period (specified in the application form), the EIPA Team will create the anonymised report of the assessments. This report will be transferred to the CAF Coordinator within five working days after the assessment period has ended.
- The EIPA CAF e-tool has been created in accordance with the CAF 2020 Model. The system allows to use the Classical Scoring Method (at the moment) and the Refined Scoring Method (will be available soon).
- The evidence-based work on the 9 CAF criteria and 28 sub-criteria takes time, so it is possible to pause as the group member sees fit. Please keep in mind that you need to use the SAME DEVICE, LINK, TOKEN and BROWSER (Edge, Chrome, Firefox) to return to your attempt as this possibility is based on your browser cookies.
- The input of the of the survey participants is anonymised via the tokens (individualised passwords). Keep in mind that his means that the CAF Resource Team members have no direct way of identifying who provided which input. There is process to filter out attempts that had problems, but please let your CAF Coordinator contact us in such a case (with a rough timestamp when the error occurred).
- Firstly, the European CAF Resource Centre will save the provided data (anonymised) for the purpose of generating the final report for the SAG Group Leader. Secondly, your numerical inputs (anonymised) can be used in aggregated form for a possible European level benchmarking overview.
The e-tool was created to aid in phase 2 of the CAF process – a joint self-evaluation of the organisation in order to identify strengths, areas and actions for improvement.
The main outcome of your work in the CAF e-tool will be an overview and compilation of the ideas for improvement for the further development of the organisation, along with the catalogue of strenghts.
To do so, each criterion, and consequently the sub-criteria will be displayed on a separate screen page and will include three text entry fields for you to assess the organization’s strengths, areas for improvement, and improvement actions. Additionally, there is are numeric input fields for scoring (ranging from 1 to 100 points), and a CAF scoring scale for criteria 1-5 or 6-9.
The results are then summarised in a report which is intended then to be further utilised in the CAF consensus workshop. The expected effect of this CAF e-tool is to support and facilitate the preparation of the consensus workshop, its implementation and consequently, a development of a high-quality self-assessment report
In case you need any kind of support or if you detected some kind of improvement possibilities of the CAF e-tool, you are kindly invited to reach out to us:
We look forward to supporting you on your CAF journey!
If you have issues submitting the form please send an email to: