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European Commission, DG EMPL
Michael Grosse is working on social innovation unit G.2 of DG EMPL and in particular on how the ESF+ regulation actually supports social innovation in order to improve outcomes of programmes and projects. Social Innovation is supported under the EaSI programme, mainstream ESF+ programmes, the activities of the ESFA agency, and the National Competence Centres. The ESF+ Social Innovation + initiative aims to help transfer and upscale innovative solutions to societal challenges, mainly in the fields of employment, education, skills and social inclusion. The initiative is managed by the European Competence Centre for Social Innovation set up by the Lithuanian European Social Fund Agency (ESFA).
Previously Michael has been in charge of Simplified Cost Options (SCOs), Joint Action Plans and the development of methodologies for unit costs and lump sums at EU level as well as hands-on support to member states via workshops and seminars. Previously, he was an auditor within DG EMPL, in charge of auditing the ESF in Austria and Germany.