Caroline Costongs

Director, EuroHealthNet

Professional experience

Caroline Costongs is Director of EuroHealthNet, the European Partnership for improving health, equity and well-being, based in Brussels. Caroline leads a multi-disciplinary team covering European Union and (sub)national policy, advocacy, research and capacity building addressing health inequalities and the social determinants of health. She oversees EuroHealthNet’s Framework Agreement with the European Commission DG EMPL and leads on EuroHealthNet’s MoU with WHO Europe. Priority areas include health promotion across the life-course, NCDs prevention, food policy, climate change and health, mental health, digital health literacy and the Economy of Wellbeing. Caroline is active in various EU and WHO fora and part of Advisory Boards of European initiatives and events such as the European Health Forum Gastein and the ICC – International Council for the European Public Health Conference.
Caroline has a strong international background with 30+ years of experience in public health and health promotion. She has worked for the Health Institute of the Liverpool John Moores University and the Netherlands Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation (NOC*NSF) linking health and physical activity. In 2000, she joined the European Network of Health Promoting Agencies (ENHPA), where she helped establish EuroHealthNet as a not-for-profit association in Belgium. Caroline has a MSc in Public Health from the University of Maastricht.

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