The concept of active transparency emerged in Spain in 2013 and means that all public entities, as well as private ones that receive public funding, must proactively publish online information about themselves and about the way they manage the public funding they receive. Moreover, 15 out of 19 autonomous communities and cities added transparency guarantor bodies, with the role of ensuring compliance with the regulations. However, this last aspect was the most challenging to achieve, due to the high number of involved entities to be evaluated (both public and private), their different legal natures and the absence of a standard assessment methodology.
The Canary Islands Transparency Index (ITCanarias) and the T-Canaria app, which supports it and allows the evaluation of transparency portals, are unique tools in the measurement of the degree of Spanish entities’ compliance with transparency law. Even more so, since no other guarantor body has similar instruments, so the Canary Islands are a pioneer in this field.