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EU Law for Non-Lawyers
This two-day course will provide you with a concentrated, in-depth introduction into the legal system of the EU and the most important principles governing the enforcement of European Union law.
Module 1. The EU legal system and the relationship between EU law and national law
This module studies the repartition of competences of the EU and Member States in the regulation of policy sectors, analyses in detail the typology of EU legal acts adopted at the EU level, and comments on their respective legal force and their impact on state authorities and individuals. Finally, it evokes the fundamental concepts (primacy, direct effect, state liability, etc.) governing the relations between EU and national law, and their practical consequences on the daily work of national magistrates, law enforcers, members of the legislative authorities, etc.
Module 2. The EU judicial system and enforcement of EU law
This module firstly depicts the organisation of the judicial space in the EU, clarifying the respective role of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) and the national jurisdictions in the enforcement of EU legality. Secondly, it describes the structure and competences of the CJEU. Finally, it provides a detailed and practical account of the various procedures which may be brought before the Court of Justice of the European Union by EU institutions, Member States, and natural and legal persons to contest the legality of EU action to prosecute an alleged breach of EU law by a Member State, or to interrogate the Court about the meaning of an EU law provision.
Course methodology
The course will be delivered online. Each of the two modules of the tutorial features a number of sessions where an EIPA expert will analyse key legal topics illustrated with examples. Participants will be able to interact with experts throughout the day and especially at the various Q&A periods following each respective content session.
Moreover, in order to ensure an enhanced learning outcome for participants, the programme of each of the modules in the course proposes various practical exercises and group discussions, resulting in a high level of dynamism, the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences, address practical legal problems, etc.
What will you learn:
Private individuals, professionals of companies and the non-governmental sector, and civil servants (of both Member States and candidate countries) deal with various entities or organs of the EU administration and go through a plethora of EU documents in the accomplishment of their routine professional tasks (legal approximation efforts, participation in EU projects, EU funding, litigation, etc.). This course aims at providing these professionals with a clear overview of the EU, its structure, regulatory competences and internal procedures. It will also help them navigate through the jungle of various legal acts that are adopted at the EU level and to gain confidence when reading and analysing EU law-related documents. In addition, they will become familiar with different ways of challenging breaches of EU law before the Court of Justice of the EU.
Private individuals, professionals of companies and the non-governmental sector, and civil servants (of both Member States and candidate countries) deal with various entities or organs of the EU administration and go through a plethora of EU documents in the accomplishment of their routine professional tasks (legal approximation efforts, participation in EU projects, EU funding, litigation, etc.). This course aims at providing these professionals with a clear overview of the EU, its structure, regulatory competences and internal procedures. It will also help them navigate through the jungle of various legal acts that are adopted at the EU level and to gain confidence when reading and analysing EU law-related documents. In addition, they will become familiar with different ways of challenging breaches of EU law before the Court of Justice of the EU.
- Public sector employees from Member States and Candidates and pre-Candidates administrations in charge of, or involved in, the transposition of EU law and in the administrative application of EU legal requirements;
- Elected officials from the above-mentioned entities, holding a political mandate and responsible for conceiving and devising public policy on the basis of EU demands and requirements;
- Civil servant and personnel from EU institutions, offices and agencies;
- Personnel from offices in Brussels in charge of the representation and advocacy of professional and territorial interests vis-à-vis EU institutions and in formal and informal negotiation fora.
Project number: 2450403
Online Course
For this online course we make use of Zoom
Programme Organiser
Ms Georgia Robertson
+31 (0)43 3296 209
EIPA member fee
EIPA offers a discount to all civil servants working for one of EIPA’s supporting countries, and civil servants working for an EU institution, body or agency
Who are the supporting countries?
Civil servants coming from the following EIPA supporting countries are entitled to get the reduced fee: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden.
For all other participants, the regular fee applies
Early bird discount
The early bird discount is not cumulative with other discounts or promo codes, except for the EIPA member fee.
Loyalty coupon
As a token of appreciation we offer all our participants a loyalty coupon for one of our future courses. The offer can be shared with colleagues and relevant networks. The coupon will expire one year after its release. This discount is not cumulative with other discounts, except for the EIPA member fee.
Confirmation of registration will be forwarded to participants on receipt of the completed online registration form.
Prior payment is a condition for participation.
Cancellation policy
For administrative reasons you will be charged € 50 for cancellations received within 7 days before the activity begins. There is no charge for qualified substitute participants.
EIPA reserves the right to cancel the activity up to 1 week before the starting date. In that case, registration fees received will be fully reimbursed.
A few days before the start of the course you will receive the log-in details for accessing the course materials. You can log in here.
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Our experts
Module 1 – The EU legal system and the relationship between EU law and national law | |
9.00 | Welcome and introduction to the seminar |
9.15 | The EU’s institutional landscape This first session will provide an overview of the organization of the EU administration, its governing principles, constituent entities (institutions, bodies, agencies of the EU) and their interactions with State authorities. Claudio Matera, Senior Lecturer, EIPA Luxembourg – European Centre for Judges and Lawyers |
10.15 | Q&A session |
10.45 | Break |
11.00 | The European Union’s system of legal instruments: EU law sources This session will present the sources of EU law and various methods for classification of the EU legal instruments: primary vs. secondary law, general principles, legal binding vs. non-binding acts and legislative vs. non-legislative acts. Through this, participants will have an opportunity to understand the respective legal force of each of these instruments and their impact on state authorities and individuals. Claudio Matera |
12.00 | Q&A session |
12.30 | Lunch break |
13.30 | Main characteristics of EU law: The effect/impact of EU law on national legal systems The fundamental legal concepts of primacy – direct and indirect – and the state liability govern the relationship between EU law and the domestic law of the Member States. Their practical application imposes upon state authorities (national magistrates, law enforcers, members of the legislative authorities, etc.) a number of obligations such as the necessity to interpret national law in conformity with EU law, or disapply the national provisions contradicting EU law. Catherine Warin, Expert in EU Law and in human rights |
14.30 | Q&A session |
15.00 | Break |
15.15 | Case study: Applying EU law to the resolution of a case brought before a competent national jurisdiction with a focus on fundamental rights protection Catherine Warin |
16.15 | Conclusions/End of Module 1 |
Module 2 – The EU judicial system and enforcement of EU law | |
09.00 | Welcome |
09.15 | The actors in the EU judicial system: The Court of Justice of the EU, national courts and tribunals This session will first present the organisational structure of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU): its two jurisdictions (Court of Justice and General Court), then the appointment and duties of judges and advocates general, the competence of the judicial chambers, etc. Finally, the respective and complementary jurisdictional competences of the CJEU, and national courts and tribunals for the enforcement of EU law will be studied. Claudio Matera |
10.15 | Q&A session |
10.45 | Break |
11.00 | Key proceedings to enforce EU law (I): Annulment actions and the preliminary rulings procedure After enumerating all the proceedings which can be brought before the CJEU, this session will then discuss the actions that natural and legal persons can bring before the CJEU to contest the legality of EU acts which are addressed to them. The session will then analyse how national courts interact and conduct dialogue with the CJEU through the preliminary ruling procedure. Cristina M. Mariottini, Lecturer, EIPA Luxembourg – European Centre for Judges and Lawyers |
12.00 | Q&A session |
12.30 | Lunch break |
13.30 | Key proceedings to enforce EU law (II): The infringement procedures The Commission initiates an infringement procedure against a Member State whenever it is persuaded that the latter is in breach of its obligations under EU law. This session will provide participants with a commented overview of the phases and the role of the Commission and the Member States in the procedure, and its various potential outcomes such as condemnatory ruling and imposition of economic sanctions. Cristina M. Mariottini |
14.30 | Q&A session |
15.00 | Break |
15.15 | Practical exercise: how to read and interpret decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The example of a preliminary ruling Cristina M. Mariottini |
16.15 | Conclusions/End of Module 2 |