EPSA event

EU Support to Public Administration

23 March 2022
9.00 - 16.00 CET

About the event

Europeans are confronted by a variety of challenges that can only be addressed in close cooperation between national and European administrations. To respond to the needs of the public administration across the EU, European Commission released in April 2021 a staff working document ‘Supporting public administrations in EU Member States to deliver reforms and prepare for the future’, introducing its toolkit for public administrations to overcome the crisis and strengthen their capacity to implement needed reforms.

Against this backdrop, the European Public Sector Award, a project run by the European Institute of Public Administration, offers a series of workshops, aiming to enhance the capacity of national, regional and local public administrations across EU to design and implement innovative reforms in times of recovery. To support participants’ learning progress and to create a transnational community of public administrations, the workshops are organised in four learning paths:

– Supporting Design and Implementation of Reforms
– Foresight and crisis management
– Innovation and future challenges of public administration
– Good public management: advanced skills for public officials

The first in the series entitled ‘EU support to public administration’ offers an overview of the key EU instruments and introduces the Commission approach in supporting Member States’ national administrations in the design and implementation of reforms.

Registration for this workshop is closed.

EIPA moderator(s)


Daniele Dotto

Deputy Director, Head of Unit – Governance and Public Administration, DG REFORM, European Commission

The programme

8.50Registration of participants on zoom platform
9.00Welcome and Introduction


Marco Ongaro, Director-General, EIPA
Christoph Klika
EPSA project manager and expert on EU policy implementation, EIPA

9.30Challenges of public administration: Key trends and EU approach to overcome the crisis


Daniele Dotto, Deputy Director, Head of Unit – Governance and Public Administration, DG REFORM, European Commission

10.45Practical perspective: examples of EPSA projects supported by the EU
12.00Lunch break
12.45Overview of the afternoon sessions
13.00EU support to Member States: Presentation of the main instruments
14.00Parallel break-out room sessions:

The Recovery and Reselience Facility (RRF)

Andreea Ticheru and Clara Ohayon, SG, RECOVER, European Commission

Technical Support Instrument (TSI)

Thomas Andreou, DG REFORM, European Commission

EU Cohesion Policy

Anne-Kerstin Myleus, DG REGIO, European Commission
Francesco Amodeo, DG REGIO, European Commission
Justyne Balasinska, DG REGIO, European Commission
Bruno Mola, DG REGIO, European Commission

European Interoperability Framework & Toolbox
Miguel Alvarez Rodriguez
, DG DIGIT, European Commission
Digital Europe Programme

Georges Lobo, DG DIGIT, European Commission

Digital Innovation Hubs

Anne-Marie Sassen, DG CONNECT, European Commission

15.30Presentation of breakout room discussions and conclusion
16:00End of the Day