MELS 2025 – 2027

About the programme

The programme is designed to achieve two principal aims:

  • to provide a background to the fundamental issues underlying the European integration process; and
  • to offer progressive and increasing specialisation in the vast field of European law, with a view to enabling students to deal with legal questions in a practical way.

The legal focus of the programme is on the broader ambit of European integration, also touching upon different economic and political aspects of the integration process and duly considering their legal and practical implications.

The MELS brochure (EN)   The MELS brochure (FR)

The programme spans two years and is based on a combination of teaching methodologies. First, students attend online lectures and tutorials using interactive education methods such as group work, case studies, simulation exercises and problem-solving learning. Second, a set of online learning tools such as video tutorials (asynchronous), webinars, assignments and online tests are offered on the ‘Campus’. Finally, students are invited to engage in guided distance learning. Attendance is compulsory in order to be able to sit the examinations.

The tuition takes place once a month during “academic weekend” with a total number of four academic weekends per semester. The lectures are foreseen to be delivered on Thursday evening, Friday afternoon and Saturday all day. The academic weekends are supplemented by complementary lectures and self-study, providing students with an excellent opportunity to broaden and deepen their knowledge of the law and how it works in practice.

By virtue of the ‘Campus’ – the MELS e-Learning platform – students regularly receive up-to-date learning material, including extracts of legislation, case law and references for recommended literature designed to structure and supplement their studies.

The programme is mainly intended for civil servants, EU officials, lawyers and other legal experts, as well as other professionals and graduates interested in European law. No prior degree in law is required to participate in the programme.

The courses are held in English and French, and the participants must be able to follow lectures in both languages. Full proficiency in one of the languages (C1/C2) and ability to read an understand in the other language (B1/B2) are minimum requirements. With an ever-increasing demand for online studies, the master programme offers a diverse environment allowing students to exchange information and experiences from different backgrounds.

The Master degree in European Legal Studies is a highly valuable instrument for graduating participants in the development of their respective professional careers. For example, graduates can use it as a stepping stone to enter international and European organisations, while those already working as EU officials may use their degree to advance their career within the EU administration. The degree also allows those participants already working as lawyers to practise in the various areas of European law. Finally, the degree can also enable graduates to pursue a professional career within any of the wide range of national administrations as well as European associations and companies (consultancy firms, European federations, lobby groups, territorial representations in Brussels, etc.) involved in the various aspects and facets of the European integration process.

The Master studies are structured in the form of a 2-year programme. The first year provides the students with an introduction to the field of European studies (introduction to European geopolitics, history of the process of European integration, etc.). On that basis, the legal dimension of the process of European integration is progressively developed through substantial courses on the constitutional and legal system of the EU (institutional law, EU decision-making procedures, judicial system of the EU, etc.), the European Internal Market and the fundamental aspects of European economic law (competition law, EU company and tax law, etc.).

In the second academic year, after considering a number of other fundamental aspects within the legal core of the EU, and which originated as flanking policies to the Internal Market (intellectual property law, consumer protection law, environmental law, etc), attention will shift to the legal acquis already existing in other areas, including common foreign and security policy, the area of justice, freedom and security and human rights protection at EU level. The practical implementation of European law both at European and national level will also feature in this second year. Students will conclude this second year and the Master programme with the writing of a Master thesis.

The price for following the Master programme is 6300 euros for non-EIPA members and 5670 euros for EIPA members per academic year.

Read about the structure up of last year’s edition below:

Students are required to sit examinations at the end of each semester (online). Some exams may be replaced by other interim course work. Successful completion of the programme will also require each student to write – under supervision of a tutor chosen by them from among the teaching faculty – a Master thesis on a topic of their choice, which will be subject to the tutor’s prior approval.

Scholarships for the Master of European Legal Studies (MELS Online)

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg (MFEA) offers scholarships for officials, members of the judiciary, representatives of civil society organisations and legal professions from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine and Moldova.

The purpose of the scholarship is to allow the candidates who have already started their professional career to follow the Master programme in European Legal Studies (MELS Online). The scholarship is intended in particular for applicants with a need of financial support.

MELS Online in short

  • 2-year bilingual (English & French) programme
  • 120 ECTS in total (60 ECTS per year)
  • French Master II diploma from Université de Lorraine
  • 4 academic weekends per semester
  • Online programme with up to one optional face-to-face event per semester
  • 6300 euros for non-EIPA members and 5670 euros for EIPA members per academic year

Application in short

  • Completed MELS online application form
  • Research proposal (max. 1000 words)
  • Recommendation letter (from employer or academic supervisor)
  • Copy of university study diploma(s) (Bachelor’s degree/license level and above) in English or French. Certified translation required for non EN/FR diplomas
  • Proof of knowledge of English and French
  • Confirmation of employment (*scholarship only)
  • Letter of motivation (*scholarship only)
  • ID/Passport copy
  • CV
  • Application deadline: 15 August 2025

Online MELS Open Day

We host online open days to tell you more about the MELS programme.

  • Experts and lecturers will answer all your questions about the programme, curriculum and career prospects after graduation.
  • Receive the opportunity to ask questions and learn how the MELS degree can serve as a stepping stone for the further development of your career
Upcoming open days:


More about MELS

MELS 2023 – 2025
