New Work @HRM

Healthy Leadership, Healthy Employees and Resilient Organisations – Wellbeing at Work

27 January 2022
- 28 January 2022

About the event

We have learned our lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and know how important leadership is, especially in a world of remote working where employees intend to work independently from place and time.

Our two-day event will focus on questions around healthy leadership, employees and resilient organisations.

We will focus on the following points:

  • How to understand the basic principles and procedures you need to know to shape good working conditions and relationships as the basis for resilient organisations in times of ongoing crisis.
  • How to improve crisis management in the VUCA world (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, agility).
  • Get to know the importance of wellbeing in the workplace, strengthen mental health and build corporate health management to promote employee engagement and performance.
  • Be able to develop leadership principles, policies and tools tailored to your organisation.

Related event

EIPA moderator(s)


Krista Pahkin

Director at Laurea University of Applied Sciences Helsinki, Finland

Caroline Fischer

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Behavioral, Management & Social Sciences

Ursula Rosenbichler

Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport

Nils Fuerstenberg

Post-doc at the Institute for Leadership and Human Resource Management

Frederik Hesse

Research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Institute for Leadership and Human Resource Management
Daniel Gerson

Daniel Gerson

Head of Public Employment and Management Team, OECD

The programme

08.30Platform is opened and participants are admitted
(Time zone UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
08.35Welcome and introductory remarks
Dr Beatrix Behrens, University of Applied Labour Studies (Federal Employment Agency), External Expert for EIPA on HR Policies and Public Management
08.45Promoting resilience, well-being in the workplace and organisational resilience
Krista Pahkin, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland
09.30The hybrid working world after corona – A project in Austria
Urusla Rosenbichler, Head of Department at the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sports, Vienna, Austria
10.15Coffee break
10.45Resilient leader make resilient employees? How to lead from the distance, digitally and in hybrid teams.
Caroline Fischer, University of Twente, The Netherlands
11.30Healthy Self-Leadership – Critical leadership competencies in the new world of work
Frederik Hesse, Institute for Human Resource Management and Leadership, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
12.15Lessons learned today?
12.30End of day 1
08.25Platform is opened and participants are admitted
08.30Good leadership and collaboration in times of crisis and New Work
Birgit Thomson, Federal Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Germany
09.15Individual and organisational resilience: strong employees and strong organisations

Christiane Flüter-Hoffmann, German Economic Institute, Cologne, Germany

10.00Coffee break
10.15Healthy leadership in the new world of work – Promoting organisational health and resilience, modern work settings

Nils Fürstenberg, Institute for Human Resource Management and Leadership, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

11.00Resilience of the public workforce: the view from the OECD

Daniel Gerson, Head of Public Employment and Management Team, OECD, Paris, France

11.45Coffee break
12.00Developing a corporate health strategy at the Federal Employment Agency in Germany – Promoting employee engagement

Beatrix Behrens

12.30Evaluation and end of the seminar