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Strengthening Trust in the European Criminal Justice Area through Mutual Recognition and the Streamlined Application of the European Arrest Warrant


Transnational Training Workshop

12 October

9:00 to 16:00 (CET)



The project is being implemented by Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in partnership with EIPA – European Institute of Public Administration in Luxembourg, FTE – Fair Trials Europe in Belgium and AGENFOR- Fondazione Agenfor International in Italy.


The Lisbonisation of the European Criminal Justice Area after the end of the transitional period gradually introduced new EU legal standards – substantial and procedural guarantees – that currently apply to EAW issuing and validation, EAW recognition and execution, and access to effective remedies pre and post surrender. The exact content of these standards and their implications for the operation of the EAW are constantly interrogated before European courts. By promoting an EU-wide understanding of the criminal justice rules and safeguards applying to the different phases of surrender proceedings in a post-Lisbon Treaty context, STREAM will increase coherence in the use of the EAW and create the basis for mutual trust between judicial authorities and legal professionals.

In the framework of the STREAM Project, EIPA is organising a 1-day online Transnational Training Workshop bringing together lawyers, judges and prosecutors from EU27 to present and exchange information on promising jurisprudential and administrative practices adopted across the EU and allowing for an effective, efficient, and fundamental rights-compliant use of the EAW. Members of the STREAM Academic Network are invited to the workshop to present their research and discuss key findings of their research and analysis on national EAW case law (14 EUMS) with judicial authorities and defence lawyers.

Key CJEU judgments will be presented and analysed in detail with the workshop participants. The Workshop will develop interactive debates as well as break-out sessions where group exercises will be performed to promote practical, case-relevant, and context-specific understanding of the ways that the EAW can be used to swiftly surrender person and cooperate in cross-border proceedings in line with the EU criminal justice acquis.

The Transnational Training Workshop is taking place on 12 October 2022 09:00 – 16:00 and it is free of charge. The conference will be delivered in English.

Please sign up for the event in the registration form below in order to receive a link and reminders for the event. Prior to the event participants will automatically be enrolled to this course, where you will have access to 10 E-Training modules tackling specific cross-cutting issues identified throughout the project research and data collection.


Briefing about the STREAM project – Sergio Carrera CEPS
Keynote – Prof. Dr. Petra Bárd

9.15EAWs issuing, validation

Facilitated discussion on national practices and experiences of the practitioners regarding the notions on “judicial authority” and “judicial decision” Introduction by Petra Jeney (EIPA) Panellists: Mar Jimeno-Bulnes (ES), Karine Gilberg (FR) Discussion led by Petra Jeney (EIPA)

10.00Coffee break
10.15Obligation to execute an EAW / proportionality considerations including trial readiness and pre-trial detention

Facilitated discussion on national practices and experiences Introduction by Ilze Tralmaka (FTE) Panellists: Silvia Allegrezza (IT), Pedro Caeiro (PT) Discussion led by Petra Jeney (EIPA)

11.00Coffee break
11.15Detention conditions in the context of EAWs execution

Facilitated discussion on national practices and experiences Introduction by Catherine Warin (EIPA) Panellists: Dr. S.S. Buisman (NL), Dominik Brodowski (DE) Discussion led by Petra Jeney (EIPA)

12.30Lunch break
13.30Independence of the judiciary in the context of EAWs execution

Facilitated discussion on national practices and experiences of the practitioners Introduction by Marek Smarzewski (PL) Panellists: Dr. S.S. Buisman (NL) Andrea Ryan (IRL), Discussion led by Petra Jeney

14.15Coffee break
14.30Group discussion in breakout rooms

1) Reliability of assurances – Fabrizia Bemer
2) Rule of speciality –Petra Jeney
3) Severity of sentences/life sentence – Catherine

15.00Coffee break
15.15In absentia judgements

Facilitated discussion on national practices and experiences of the practitioners

Introduction by Dominik Brodowski (DE)
Panellists: Silvia Allegrezza (IT), Mar Jimeno-Bulnes (ES)
Discussion led by Petra Jeney

16.00Wrapping up – end of the workshop

Registration form

Registration for the open conference is closed.

This project is co-funded by the European Union


EIPA Luxembourg
European Centre for Judges and Lawyers

Blanka Opletalova

Tel: +352 426 230 305

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