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Cross border Family Matters: A tour de table of good practices
The project is implemented by EIPA Luxembourg – European Centre for Judges and Lawyers (ECJL) in partnership with KSSIP – Krajowa Szkola Sadownictwa I Prokuratury in Poland and Unionea Nationala a Barourilor din Romania (UNBR)/The National Association of the Romanian Bars.
Description of the project
Regarding the Maintenance Regulation, which has been applied for a decade now, there is a need to catch up with CJEU case law. Since both the Brussels II bis Regulation and the Maintenance Regulation are directly applicable EU instruments, legal practitioners are to apply these as they stand. Therefore a thorough understanding of the said instruments is of utmost importance, especially in the case of the new procedural solutions of the new recast instrument.
In parallel with this, there is a growing sensitivity concerning the fundamental rights aspects of cross border family cases involving children, manifesting in a steady case law of both the CJEU and the ECtHR in relation to Brussels II bis and the right to family life, positive obligations of the state in relation to the right to family life, child abduction, unjustified interference with family life, and conflicting international obligations. The fundamental rights aspect further adds to the complexity of these cases already involving cross border litigation, cooperation between various judicial and other authorities.
Legal practitioners, primarily judges and lawyers, in all the targeted Member States are directly involved in the resolution of cross-border family law cases, which at the same time makes it even more relevant to understand the fundamental rights embedded nature of EU family law and acquire training in the latest novelties brought by the recast Brussels II bis and current judicial interpretation.
The overall expected result of the project will be the increased knowledge and better understanding of the most important areas of EU family law through the better appreciation of the Brussels II bis Regulation and the Maintenance Regulation.
The direct result of the project is that the training activities, offered in three different levels, on the three most frequent cross border family law disputes involving children – parental responsibility, child abduction and family maintenance– will allow practitioners working on this field to better understand the cross border aspect of these cases and to appreciate the corresponding EU legislation.
Specific results of the three training events:
- the respective changes brought by the recast Brussels II Regulation will be explained both at an introductory, advanced and practical level. In this vein, the three training activities directly contribute to the better application and use of this new instrument, and
- the fundamental rights context of parental responsibility, child abduction and maintenance issues are highlighted and the corresponding EU Charter on Fundamental Rights and European Convention on Human Rights standards are promoted.
The project will also result in the improvement of mutual trust and cooperation between legal professional in cross border family law cases.
The project’s website, developed for the purposes of this project, the initial training webinars and all the training activity materials will be available during the lifespan of the project. After the closure of the project, the initial training webinars and the training activity materials in the four languages (French, English, Polish and Romanian) will be made available on the E-justice portal.
Training activities details
The project includes:
2. Advanced synchronous training 1
How to handle cross-border parental responsibility procedures? Novelties brought by the recast Brussels IIa Regulation
Online, 21-22 April 2021
3. Conference
Good practices in cross-border parental responsibility cases
Online, 17 June 2021
2. Advanced synchronous training 2
How to handle cross border child abduction procedures? Novelties brought by the recast Brussels IIa Regulation
Luxembourg, 13-14 October 2021
3. Conference
Good practices in cross-border child abduction cases
Warsaw, 6 April 2022
2. Advanced synchronous training 3
How to handle cross border parental responsibility procedures? Novelties brought by the recast Brussels IIa Regulation
Luxembourg, 20-21June 2022
3. Conference
Good practices in cross-border family maintenance cases
Bucharest, 27 September 2022
Training activities for download
EIPA Luxembourg – European Centre for Judges and Lawyers
Christiane Lamesch, Tel: +352 426 230 302,

This project is co-funded
by the European Union
EIPA Luxembourg
European Centre for Judges and Lawyers
Christiane Lamesch