Christoph Klika, Rafaella Giussani and Izan González, (2024) ‘EPSA 2023-24 General Report’, April 2024
Stay updated on our activities
Stay updated on our activities
EIPA’s publications address key issues for public management, EU governance and EU law, and form an integral part of the institute’s services. They are written either by EIPA’s own scientific staff or by one of our network of external experts. They draw on the insights obtained when EIPA staff deliver activities in the EU institutions or Member States’ administrations, and on the exchanges of national public-sector practices that we organise, as well as our participation in the European scientific and policy community.
EIPA is also commissioned to produce studies and reports, usually of a comparative nature, and conducts its own applied research projects. The results of these activities can also be found here, as well as links to other publications of EIPA experts.
Christoph Klika, Rafaella Giussani and Izan González, (2024) ‘EPSA 2023-24 General Report’, April 2024
Kaeding, M. and Klika, C. (2023). Europäische Agenturen. In W. Weidenfeld & W. Wessels (Eds.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2023 (pp. 149-155). München, Deutschland: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, December 2023.
Christoph Klika, Miranda Lovell-Prescod and Paolo Giovanetti, (2023) ‘Public Sector Performance Programme 2022 Sub-Study: an International Benchmarking study‘, February 2023
Klika, C. (2023). Agenturen. In W. Weidenfeld, W. Wessels, & F. Tekin (Eds.), Europa von A bis Z: Taschenbuch der europäischen Integration (pp. 45-51). Wiesbaden, Deutschland: Springer VS
Christoph Klika and Veronica Menegatto, (2022) ‘EPSA 2021 General Report’, January 2022
Christoph Klika (2022), ‘The European Public Sector Award and Green Public Administration: Challenges and Opportunities for implementing the Green Deal’, January 2022
Menno Spaan and Giulietta Marani (2022), ‘What Can We Learn from the Best Government Innovations by European Countries?’, January 2022
Menno Spaan (2022), ‘No Innovation Without a Crisis?’, January 2022
Giulietta Marani and Clara Cotroneo, (2022), ‘Digitalisation and Engagement; Transparency, Inclusion, Privacy and Security in the Public Sector’, January 2022
Studio Europa Maastricht, ed., including contributions by Wolfgang Koeth and Sabina Lange (2022) Reflecting on citizens’ views: EU in the World and Migration. Special Issue Policy Brief. Studio Europa Maastricht and European Institute of Public Administration. Maastricht, July 2022.
Cotroneo, C. et al. (2021), Study on the Training Needs of Court Staff on EU Law in the EU, Prepared by the European Judicial Training Network in consortium with the European Institute of Public Administration
Behrens B. and Bellmann L. (2021), New Work – the new normal “after” COVID-19? (pages 66-87), published in European Public Mosaic (EPuM) Open Journal on Public Service Volume 14 (May 2021)
Haar, R., Christiansen T., Lange S. and Vanhoonacker S. (2021), The Making of European Security Policy, Routledge
Cotroneo, C., Brown, O. and Karwot, I. (2021), The Gender Gap in the EU’s Public Employment and Leadership. This document was requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.
Braun, P. and Burnett, M. (2020), ‘Public Sector Procurement Audit A Practical Guide‘. Übersetzung Kapitel 8: ‘Bedeutung von Prüfungen öffentlicher Auftragsvergaben‘. EIPA 2020.
Koeth, W. and Casillas, C. (2020), ‘Survey on the Participation of EU MS Civil Servants in Twinning and TAIEX’. This study was implemented by EIPA on behalf of DG NEAR IBU.
Vara Arribas, G. ¨Subsidiarity and EU added value: the difficulty of evaluating a legal principle in a pragmatic way¨ (pages 30-33), published in the European Court of Auditors Journal number 3 ¨Realizing European Added Value¨, year 2020
Burnett, M. and Braun, P. (2020), Public Sector Procurement Audit A Practical Guide. The book explains how auditors should prioritize their work and gives practical guidance on what to do at all stages of the procurement cycle.
Jeney, P. and Cotroneo, C. (2020), Evaluating the EU’s Response to the US Global Gag Rule. This document was requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.
Jeney, P., Cotroneo, C., Dizdarevic, I., Cucu, V., Kramer, T., Ramírez-Cárdenas Díaz, J. and Ribeiro Oertel, R. (2020), Violence against Women. This document was requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs.