27 March marked the kick-off of our new project, done in partnership with Passerell Luxembourg and co-funded by the European Commission, titled: “Charter Up!”. The project aims at promoting the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU in Luxembourg.
Goal of the project
CharterUp will strengthen the knowledge and ability of Civil Society Organisations (CSO), rights defenders and legal professionals, to effectively engage in litigation practices at national and EU level and to improve access to justice and enforcement of rights under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (Charter).
The project focuses, in particular, on Children’s Rights, Equality and Non-Discrimination, Asylum and Data Protection.
The project’s agenda includes various activities such as the Charter Checkpoint (a hotline for legal professionals having questions regarding strategic litigation related to the Charter), the Charter Database, a dedicated newsletter with relevant case laws as well as:
- Seminars on:
- the Charter and its applicability in Luxembourg
- the right to effective judicial protection and the remedies before the CJEU
- Workshops focusing on asylum, children’s rights, data protection, and discrimination
- Two round-table events
All training activities will be conducted in French and will discuss the subject matter in an EU fundamental rights context directly referring to the EU Charter, its relationship with domestic law, and where applicable, its relationship and synergies with the European Convention of Human Rights and the related practice of the European Court of Human Rights.
Interested in taking part?
If you’re a legal professional working in the field of EU Law/Fundamental rights and are interested in taking part, have a look at our dedicated project page.
To the project page