CAF Power Play: Revolutionising Polish Administration!


Promoting CAF in the Polish public sector

The Polish CAF National Correspondent, located in the Civil Service Department (CivServDep) at the Prime Minister’s Chancellery, and the Ministry of Finance’s (MoF) Value for Money and Accounting Department, are jointly promoting the CAF model as a tool that can be used for self-assessment of management control in institutions of the public finance sector in Poland.

Between February and July 2022, they co-hosted three webinars attended by nearly 1,000 participants, receiving positive feedback and sparking interest in future events.

In December 2022, they issued a joint statement, “Common Assessment Framework, CAF: an effective tool for management control self-assessment,” outlining their commitment to promoting CAF in Poland and improving management control self-assessment.

In response to recommendations from CAF Effective Feedback Actors (EFAs), CivServDep and MoF initiated this partnership to harness CAF’s potential in Polish administration, addressing competition with existing self-assessment methods.

The impactful webinars in early 2022 covered CAF’s origins, principles, practical applications, and success stories, enhancing attendees’ understanding and interest.

The December 2022 joint communication summarised their 2022 collaboration and laid the foundation for ongoing efforts to promote CAF and enhance management control self-assessment in the public sector.

We are looking forward to 2023, MoF plans to update management control self-assessment guidelines, with CivServDep and EFAs contributing to incorporating the CAF model. Stay tuned for updates!

Find more information on the project here:

Research on CAF in the Polish sector

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