Michael Burnett

Public Sector Audit Expert, Member of Solihull Borough Council Audit Committee

Professional experience

For more than 15 years, Michael Burnett has been directing EIPA’s international training programmes in Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) for European public officials addressing PPP-related legal, commercial and operational issues, including using EU Structural and Investment Funds, via EIPA’s European PPP Forum, which he founded as a community of practice for PPP issues. He has worked with key actors such as DG Growth, DG REGIO, DG MOVE, DG ECFIN, European Parliament, European Investment Bank, European Court of Justice, Trans European Networks for Transport Agency, Committee of the Regions, IMF, UN Economic Commission for Europe, UNCITRAL, World Bank and national/sub-national governments. He was also a Theme Leader in all of EIPA’s European Public Sector Awards (EPSA) editions and he was Project Manager for EPSA 2019. Michael is still working for EIPA as an external expert and advisor to EPSA.

Michael Burnett, a UK Chartered Accountant, was educated at Warwick University (United Kingdom) and Amherst College, (Massachusetts, United States of America). A former Assistant Director in KPMG UK’s Government Services Division, he is a UK Chartered Accountant, member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply. He has more than 20 years public sector management experience, working in 27 European countries and as adviser to the European Commission/national/sub-national governments.

His experience also includes:

More than 15 years practical experience of PPP/public procurement across Europe, including managing procurements for local/central government and the EU, working for a service provider to the public sector, procurement training for procurement officers/auditors and expert adviser to state auditors on EU procurement issues.
As seconded expert (e-business projects) to DG Enterprise (European Commission).
Three years as head of a UK government health sector training agency (public-private sector joint venture).

He was a member of the European Commission’s Stakeholder Expert Group on Public Procurement from 2012 to 2018 and has also been a member of the Editorial Board of the European PPP Law Review since 2007. He advised MEPs during the revision of EU Public Procurement Directives (2000-2004) and has been an expert witness in European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee public procurement hearings.



Burnett, M. and Braun, P. (2020), Public Sector Procurement Audit A Practical Guide, EIPA 2020, 148 pp.

Burnett, M., Bosse, J., Rongione C. and Vara Arribas, G. (eds.) (2019), New solutions to complex challenges A public sector citizen-centric, sustainable and fit for the future, EIPA 2019, 116 pp.

Burnett, M., Bosse, J.,  Rongione C.  and Scholtens, H. (eds.) (2017), An Innovative Public Sector in 2017. New Solutions to Complex Challenges, EIPA 2017, 98 pp.

Burnett, M., Bosse, J.,  Møller Nielsen, S., Rongione C.  and Scholtens, H. (eds.) (2015), The Public Sector as Partner for a Better Society, EIPA 2015/02, 126 pp.

Burnett, M. (with Oder, M) (2015), ‘Competitive Dialogue and Negotiated Procedures – A practical guide’ (EIPA). This book is exclusively available by attending the Masterclass.

Burnett, M., Bosse, J., Heichlinger, A., Rongione, C. and Scholtens, H. (eds.) (2013), Weathering the Storm: Creative EPSA Solutions in a Time of CrisisEIPA 2013/02, 114 pp.

Burnett, M. (with Oder, M) (2009) ‘Competitive Dialogue – A Practical Guide’ (EIPA)

Burnett, M. (2007), ‘Public-Private Partnerships – A Decision-Maker’s Guide” (EIPA)

Book chapters

Burnett, M., Malterud, T. (2015) ‘Smart Public Service Delivery in a Cold Economic Climate’ in Busch, T., Johansen, E., Klaudi Klausen, K., Murdock, A.,  Vanebo, J. O., Heichlinger, A. (eds.) Public Management in the Twenty-first Century – Trends, Ideas and Practices, pp. 99-106 (Norway : Universitetsforlaget) pp.99-106

Burnett, M. (2011) ‘Smart Public Service Delivery in a Cold Economic Climate‘ in Heichlinger, A (ed.) EPSA Trends in Practice: Driving Public Sector Excellence to Shape Europe for 2020, EIPA pp.19-38

Burnett, M., Heichlinger, A. (2009) ‘New Forms of Partnership Working’ in Pröhl, M and Heichlinger, A (eds.) Taking the Pulse of European Public Administrations – Key Findings of the European Public Sector Award 2009, EIPA pp.67-90


Burnett, M., Pröhl, M. and J. Bosse, Innovationen in der öffentlichen VerwaltungInnovative Verwaltung, 5/2018, pp. 30-31

Burnett, M. (2015) ‘The new rules for Competitive Dialogue and the Competitive Procedure with Negotiation in Directive 2014/24/EU – What might they mean for PPP?’, European Procurement and PPP Law Review, 10:2 pp.62-71

Burnett M. (2014) ‘The new European Directive on the award of Concession Contracts – Promoting value for money in PPP contracts?’, European Procurement and PPP Law Review, 9:2 pp.86-103

Burnett, M. (2013) ‘PPP contract management – Still in need of more attention?’, European Procurement and PPP Law Review, 8:3 pp.216-229

Burnett, M. (2012) ‘The current PFI reform in the United Kingdom – How should it be measured?’, European Procurement and PPP Law Review, 7:2 pp.118-128

Burnett, M. (2011) ‘PPP and EU public procurement reform – Time to change the rules for Competitive Dialogue?’, European Procurement and PPP Law Review, 6:2 pp.55-64

Burnett, M. (2010) ‘Developing a complexity test for the use of Competitive Dialogue for PPP contracts’, European Procurement and PPP Law Review, 5:4 pp.215-223

Burnett, M. (2009) ‘Conducting Competitive Dialogue for PPP projects – towards an optimal approach?’, European Procurement and PPP Law Review, 4:4 pp.192-200

Burnett, M. (2009) ‘Using Competitive Dialogue in EU public procurement – early trends and future developments‘EIPAScope, 2009/2 pp.17-23

Burnett, M. (2008) ‘A new EU Directive on concessions – the right approach for PPP?’, European Procurement and PPP Law Review, 3:3 pp.107-115

Burnett, M. (2008) “PPP – Riscos, desafios e oportunidades”, Interface Administração Pública, No.149 pp.24-29

Burnett, M. (2008) ‘PPP during the contract execution phase – a need for greater certainty in Community law?’, European Procurement and PPP Law Review, 3:2 pp.51-57

Burnett, M. (2008) ‘Dix ans de PFI au Royaume Uni’, No. 81, Partie III, Retours d’expériences à l’étranger

Burnett, M. (2007) ‘Development of public procurement system: training experience in FYR Macedonia’, Public Administration (Lithuanian Public Administration Training Association) No. 1-2 (13-14) pp.49-54

Burnett, M. (2007) ‘The application of public procurement law to Institutional PPP (IPPP) – some practical considerations’, European Procurement and PPP Law Review, 2:3 pp.129-134

Burnett, M. (2007) ‘La Colaboración Público-Privada (CPP) en los Servicios Públicos locales. Una perspectiva desde la experiencia europea’, Revista de estudios locales, 2007 Extra 1 pp.59-72

Burnett, M. (2006) ‘Considérations sur l’utilité des partenariats public-privé (PPP) pour améliorer le fonctionnement et l’efficacité des directives sur les marchés publics’EIPAScope, 2006/1 pp.29-33

Burnett, M. (2005) ‘Beyond the new Public Procurement Directive – the future for Public Private Partnerships‘EIPAScope, 2005/3 pp.21-25

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