Maureen Cossalter

ESIF funds and Cohesion policy

Professional experience

Maureen Cossalter obtained a Master in European Affairs, Social policy major, from Sciences Po (Paris, France) after finishing her bachelor European Studies at the Maastricht University. From August 2016 until January 2017 she studied International Relations at Södertörn University, Sweden in the framework of the ERASMUS exchange programme.

Maureen gained several years of experience in the field, as a Blue Book Trainee at DG REGIO (Unit D.2 Cross-border cooperation, Interreg, Internal borders), as intern at Mission opérationnelle transfrontalière (MOT) in Paris and as Project Finance Officer at Interreg Europe in Lille (Rijsel), where she was monitoring the finances of 35 interregional cooperation projects, working with local and regional authorities from 30 European countries.

She acquired a solid experience in the management of cooperation projects, providing guidance to project applicants, assisting on their financial reporting and the general implementation of their project.

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