EIPA in conversation with

The role of leadership in transition

17 November 2022

Background Information

The pandemic has intensified the discussion about increasing flexibility in working times, places of work and mobile working in general, and what these might mean in terms of shaping the world of work in the longer term as the ‘new normal’. New Work, with the demand for ‘purpose’, will continue to demand more from organisations and leadership on all levels. The role of manager will be decisive in determining the success or failure of the  sustainable (digital) transformation.

In times of crisis, and in view of increasing flexibility and agility in the workplace, trust and control through goals, traditional management structures and time measurement systems have begun to partly replace previous patterns (control mechanisms). New forms of cooperation and collaboration need to be promoted to also generate innovations and managed virtually, fears need to be minimised, resilience (including your own) needs to be strengthened, and communication needs to be encouraged.

All these challenges can be structured and evaluated following the Total Quality Model CAF (Common Assessment Framework) which provides a methodology for the assessment of your strong and weak points and the embedment in your organisation of the principles of excellence to drive your institution towards noticeable improvements.

What will the round-table cover?

  • What role do leaders play in creation of meaningful working environment?
  • How can leaders foster collaborative forms of work and empower employees?
  • How to strenghten employees’ resilience at work and ensuring their engagement at the same time?
  • How CAF can help?

EIPA moderator(s)

Gracia Vara Arribas

Gracia Vara Arribas

EU Law and Public Procurement, EU Governance, Head of the European CAF Resource Centre


Erika Landi

Director for HR Support and Social Services at the European Parliament

Maria Asensio

Visiting associate professor at ISCTE-IUL (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa) and a principal researcher at INA (Instituto Nacional de Administração, Portugal)
Daniel Gerson

Daniel Gerson

Head of Public Employment and Management Team, OECD

Previous conversations