EIPA in conversation with

Bringing Knowledge into Action: Ways to increase learning in public organisations with CAF

3 October 2023

Public sector organisations looking to remain relevant and competitive in our current context must become learning organisations.
Learning Organisations are organisations based on knowledge-oriented leadership practices, encouraging learning transfer at all levels with all members, and together as a collective, in order to achieve long-term success.

In that sense, a learning organisation is closely tied to efficient Knowledge Management practices, which are part of the Total Quality Management model (TQM), more specifically the Common Assessment Framework tool (CAF).

As a way to increase learning in public organisations, Knowledge Management practices need to come into action. This will enable public organisations across the globe to boost, transform and efficiently manage their performance, as well as to adapt to the greater public service orientation and transform them into learning organisations.

What will the round-table cover?

  • The concept and importance of learning organisations.
  • Concepts of Total Quality Management, Common Assessment Framework and Knowledge Management and their relation with the improvement of quality in public sector organisations, as well as taking a step forward towards becoming a learning organisation.
  • Experiences and lessons learned by the speakers
  • Practical examples of the CAF tool and Knowledge Management in use and the transition of public sector organisations into learning organisations.

EIPA moderator(s)


Tihana Puzić

Deputy Head of the European CAF Resource Centre
Matthias Will

Matthias Will

European Commission
Director for the Research & Innovation Common Implementation Centre (CIC)

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