EPSA Projects

EPSA 2023-24 is supported by the European Commission

EPSA 2023-24 is supported by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM), through the Technical Support Instrument (TSI).


Vistabella del Maestrat Council

Home meal delivery programme

Context The province of Castellón, Spain, has witnessed a significant depopulation process in recent centuries, leading to very low population density in rural areas. Vistabella del Maestrat, with a population…
Budget preparation and implementationEnvironment and natural resourcesLong-term carePublic healthSmall and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectorsState governance and better policy making
Vienna Social Fund (FSW: Fonds Soziales Wien)

GVS online registration tool

Context The influx of tens of thousands of Ukrainians fleeing the war placed a significant strain on Vienna’s social services, particularly the Vienna Social Fund responsible for providing accommodation and…
Access to financeCrisis managementDigital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryMigration and border managementState governance and better policy making
Federal Ministry of Finance

Bot Federation

Context As digitalisation becomes increasingly more important for streamlined governance, it is imperative that government systems evolve to match the growing expectations for speed, accuracy and user-friendliness. In Austria, the…
Consumer servicesDigital economy, research and innovationDigital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryFinancial literacyTax complianceTax policy
Ministry of Justice

Artificial intelligence in justice

Context The Ministry of Justice in Spain is leading a major project to implement artificial intelligence (AI) through the justice system. This initiative is part of a broader government push…
Digital GovernmentDigitalisation of revenue administrationEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryJudicial systemsSustainable development
Federal Ministry of Finance (Bundesministerium für Finanzen, BMF), Federal Chancellery (Bundeskanzleramt, BKA)

The Once-Only Principle in the Family Allowance

Context The Once-Only Principle ensures that citizens and businesses provide data to public administration only once, while public bodies exchange this data when requested and in compliance with the relevant…
Administration of revenuesDigital Government
Ministry of Interior

Automated decision-making as a building block for public administration reuse: ‘Development of the Automatic Public Administration Decision-Making (automatikus közigazgatási döntéshozatali – AKD) System building block’

Context The Government Decision 1328/2020 on the adoption of the medium-term National Anti-corruption Strategy and action plan for the period 2020–2022 required the development of an automated system to improve…
Digital GovernmentEfficiency of the state organisation and service deliveryEthics and integrity (including procurement, transparency, anticorruption, anti-fraud, organised crime, internal control)Human resources managementState governance and better policy makingSustainable development
AMA – Administrative Modernisation Agency


Context The Portuguese government, through the Agency for Administrative Modernisation (AMA), is committed to modernising public services and improving citizens’ experiences. This effort is driven by the recognition that public…
Small and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and other sectors
City of Klagenfurt – Department for climate and environmental protection

Klagenfurt on the way to climate neutrality by 2030

Second prize winner in category Green Transition and Sustainability in EPSA 2023-24 Context The Provincial Capital of Klagenfurt on Lake Wörthersee has been engaged in climate action since the 1990s and…
ClimateEnergyEnvironment and natural resourcesGreen financeManagement and implementation of EU fundsSustainable developmentTransport and mobility