Haar, R., Christiansen T., Lange S. and Vanhoonacker S. (2021) The Making of European Security Policy, Routledge
Lange, S., Nechev, Z. and Trauner, F. (2017) (eds.), Resilience in the Western Balkans, EU Institute for Security Studies, ISS Report No. 36
Kajnč, S. and Lajh, D. (2009) (eds.) Evropska unija od A do Ž [European Union from A to Z]. Ljubljana: Uradni list.
Kajnč, S. (2008) Razvoj evropske zunanje politike: od evropskega političnega sodelovanja do evropske varnostne in obrambne politike [Evolution of European Foreign Policy: from European Political Co-operation to European Security and Defence Policy]. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede.
Bučar, M., Karnar, P., Ciraj, A.M. and Kajnč, S. (2007) Strukturni skladi v Sloveniji – zadostnoizkorien vir? [Structural Funds in Slovenia: sufficiently used?]. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede.
Book chapters
Lange, S. (2020) The Council of the EU and the European Council, in Erik Akse (ed.) How the EU Institutions Work: Your handbook and guide to EU decision-making (Brussels: John Harper).
Hardacre, A., M. Kaeding and S. Lange (2020) Delegated and Implementing Acts, in Erik Akse (ed.) How the EU Institutions Work: Your handbook and guide to EU decision-making (Brussels: John Harper).
Kajnč Lange, S. (2014) ‘Slovenia’, in Hefftler, C., Neuhold, C., Rozenberg, O. and Smith, J. (2014) (eds.) Handbook on National Parliaments and the European Union (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan) pp. 649-667.
Kajnč Lange, S., Gropas, R. and Tzogopoulos, G. (2014) ‘Slovenia and Greece: diplomacies with limited means’, in R. Balfour, C. Carta and K. Raik (eds.) The European External Action Service and national diplomacies: from complementarity to convergence? (Ashgate: London) pp. 169-180.
Kajnč, S., Jans, T. and Courtier, A. (2011) ‘The Belgian EU Presidency and the new leadership architecture under Lisbon’, in Van Hecke, S. and Bursens, P. (eds.): Readjusting the Council Presidency: Belgian Leadership in the EU (Brussels: ASP) pp. 221-242.
Kajnč, S. (2011) ‘The Council of the EU and the European Council’, in Hardacre, A. (ed.) How the EU Institutions Work and … How to work with the EU Institutions (Brussels: John Harper) pp. 47-84.
Kajnč, S. (2011) ‘Slovenia: Searching for a Foreign Policy Identity via the EU’, in R. Wong and C. Hill (eds.) National and European Foreign Policies: towards Europeanisation (Abingdon: Routledge) pp. 189-209.
Lajh, D. and Kajnč, S. (2009) ‘Zgodovinski, institucionalni in teoretski pogled na Evropsko unijo unije’ [Historical, institutional and theoretical view on the European Union], in Kajnč, S. and Lajh, D. (eds.) Evropska unija od A do Ž unije, [European Union from A to Z] (Ljubljana: Uradni list Republike Slovenije) pp. 17-28.
Kajnč, S. and Marn, M. (2009) ‘Skupna zunanja in varnostna politika’ [Common Foreign and Security Policy], in S. Kajnč, S. and Lajh, D. (eds.) Evropska unija od A do Ž, [European Union from A to Z] (Ljubljana: Uradni list Republike Slovenije) pp. 359-366.
Brglez, M. and Kajnč, S. (2009) ‘Teorije evropskih integracij’ [Theory of European integration], in Kajnč, S. and Lajh, D. (eds.) Evropska unija od A do Ž [European Union from A to Z] (Ljubljana: Uradni list Republike Slovenije) pp. 406-412.
Kajnč, S. (2009) ‘Effects of EU enlargement: Slovenia’, in Avery, G., Faber, A. and Schmidt, A. (eds.) Enlarging the European Union: effects on the new member states and the EU (Brussels: Trans European Policy Studies Association) pp. 41-46.
Kajnč, S. (2007) ‘(Limits of) enlargement as a tool of European foreign policy’, in D. Steinmetzová, D. (ed.) Globalisation challenges and new trends of governance: conference proceedings (Prague: Oeconomica) pp. 137-154.
Šabič, Z. and Lange, S. (2014) ‘Past, Present and Future: Slovenia, European Institutions, and the Problem of Project-based Foreign Policy’, Studia Historica Slovenica. Special issue on 10 years of Slovenia’s EU membership, 14(1), pp. 37-54.
Vysotskaya Guedes Vieira, A. and Kajnč Lange, S. (2012) ‘Beyond continuity: analysis of the effects of the first trio presidency on policy coherence for development’, European integration online papers, Vol. 16, Art. 14.
Kajnč, S. and Geyer, L. (2011) ‘Cooperating below the top: comparison of pre- and post-Lisbon rotating Presidencies’ channels of cooperation in Brussels’, International Issues & Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs, XX(4) pp. 28-52.
Kajnč, S. (2011) ‘Evropeizacija slovenske zunanje politike: od pridružitvenega procesa do predsedovanja svetu EU’ [Europeanization of Slovenian Foreign Policy: form accession process to Council Presidency], Teorija in Praksa, 48(3), pp. 668-687.
Kajnč, S. and Svetličič, M. (2010) ‘What it takes to run an EU Presidency: Study of competences in Slovenia’s public administration’, Halduuskultur/Administrative Culture, 11(1) pp. 84-109.
Kajnč, S. and Svetličič, M (2009) ‘Ocena uspešnosti in problemi slovenskega predsedovanja Svetu EU – pogled od znotraj’ [Evaluation of Slovenian Presidency: a view from inside], Teorija in praksa, 46 (1-2), pp. 5-30.
Kajnč, S. and Svetličič, M (2009) ‘Neformalni viri vpliva v EU: trda in mehka znanja ter učinkovitost slovenske državne uprave’ [Informal sources of influence: hard and soft knowledge and efficiency of Slovenian public administration], Družboslovne razprave, 25(61), pp. 59-79.
Kajnč, S. (2008) ‘Die slowenische EU-Ratspräsidentschaft 2008’, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 4.Aug. 2008, no. 32, pp. 18-25.
Kajnč, S. and Bojinović, A. (2007) ‘Vpliv Evropske skupnosti/unije na pojave regionalnega sodelovanja v mednarodni skupnosti’, [The influence of European Community/Union on regional integration in international community], Teorija in praksa, 44(6), pp. 983-1015.
Lange, S. ‘The Western Balkans in the EU spotlight’, EUISS Brief N 9, 8 March 2016. EU Institute for Security Studies.
Lange, S. ‘HR/VP to VP/HR: The next generation’, EUISS Brief N 30, 28 October 2014. EU Institute for Security Studies.
Best,. E. and Kajnč Lange, S. (2014) ‘European elections and questions of legitimacy’. Bepa monthly brief N 74. European Commission.
Kajnč Lange, S. (2014) ‘Ljubljana – Slovenia is reflecting on its foreign (and European) policy’, Europe’s World, N 26 (Spring 2014), p. 127.
Kajnč Lange, S. (2013) ‘Slovenia and the European External Action Service’, in Balfour, R., Frantini, A. and Raik, K. (eds.) The European External Action Service and National Diplomacies. EPC Issue Paper N 73, March 2013, pp. 107-116. Brussels: EPC.
Kajnč Lange, S., Guggenbühl, A. and Lavadoux, F. (2011) ‘Coping with Multiple Presidencies in the EU: Challenges for National Administrations’, Eipascope, 2011/1 30th Anniversary Special Issue, (1), pp. 25-28.
Brattberg, E., Rhinard, M. and Kajnč, S. (2011) ‘Bridging Turbulent Times: A Survey Report on the 2009 Swedish Presidency of the European Union’, UI Occasional Paper No 6. Swedish Institute of International Relations.
Kajnč, S. (2009) ‘Channels of Cooperation: A case study of Slovenian Presidency of the EU’. EPIN Working Paper 21. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies, February 2009, 24 pp., tables.
Kajnč, S. and Svetličič, M. (2009) ‘Policy brief: Slovenian European policy and a European state administration for an active, successful and efficient EU membership’, (Electronic book series CIR Analyses). Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences, 2009.
Kajnč, S., Mitchell, W. and Reinert, T. (2009) (eds.) U.S.- Central Europe relations in the age of Obama. Washington: Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), July 2009.
Kajnč, S. (2008) ‘The Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council: How the 16th Member State Performed’, ARI 105/2008. Real Instituto Elcano.
Kajnč, S. (2005) ‘Changes in Slovenian foreign policy following accession to the European Union’, CFSP Forum (3)3, pp. 3-6.
Šabič, Z. and Kajnč, S. (2004) ’Mapping the impact of enlargement on the Euro-Mediterranean partnership’, in Jacobs, A. (ed.) Euro-Mediterranean co-operation: enlarging and widening the perspective, ZEI discussion paper, C 131, Bonn: Zentrum für Europeäische Integrationsforschung, pp. 56-73.
Kajnč, S. (2003) ‘The Impact of Enlargement on the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: with special reference to Slovenia’, in 14th Information & Training Seminar for Diplomats, Malta, 25-28 April 2003: EURO-MED. Malta: European Commission: Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies University of Malta.