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The European Court of Auditors (ECA) has recently published a special report 28/2023, on public procurement in the EU. In it, the Court makes a quite severe, wide-ranging critique of the state of competition for public procurements in the EU and its perceived lack of achievement of the 2014 reform objectives during the period from 2011 to 2021.
What does this mean for the future of the internal market of public procurement?
In this discussion, we will be exploring possible future scenarios of the internal market of public procurement. We will analyse the shortcomings of the internal market for public procurement and share findings of the increase of competition over the 2011 – 2021 period. We will also discuss the perceived lack of achievement of the goals of the 2014 procurement reform, including:
We invite you to join our upcoming discussion that will venture into possible measures that could tackle these problems, legislatively or otherwise. Our panellists will talk about their experiences and the knowledge they have gained from their various backgrounds.
About the report
The European Court of Auditors‚ special 28/2023 report on public procurement in the EU highlights the increase in direct contract awards and single bidding as well as the limited amount of direct cross-border procurement. It identifies current regulatory barriers to competition such as restrictive selection criteria and the length and complexity of procurement procedures. The Commission has responded to the report and, while it disagrees strongly with some of its methodology, has accepted all of its recommendations and showed its willingness to explore measures to address barriers to competition in public procurement. However, the concrete nature and content of these measures remain unclear.
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