
EU Law for Local Governments

Enhance your expertise in EU law and policy-making with our practical course. Learn how to effectively voice your municipality's or region's interests, ensure compliance with EU regulations, and access valuable EU funding opportunities.

About this course

Are you an official working for a municipality, region or federated entity of an EU Member State or a candidate country, eager to enhance your understanding of EU law?

Would you like to learn about the position of sub-state authorities and administrations in the EU legal system and their responsibilities in the application of EU law?

Would you like to obtain an insight into the various forums and mechanisms permitting the intervention of these authorities in the shaping of EU policies?

By attending this highly practical course, you will acquire the practical skills required to voice and represent the interest of your local government in the process of adopting EU legal acts.

The course will also equip you with the know-how necessary to ensure their correct legal absorption and administrative application once the acts are approved, and avoid breaches of EU law which could end up to judicial prosecution.

Moreover, the course will instill in you the necessary strategies and skills to defend the interests of your local government against the EU institutions before the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Finally, the course will provide you with necessary know-how to apply for EU funding.

Course methodology/highlights

The course will be conducted by legal and policy experts of proven reputation who will discuss key topics, illustrated with examples and cases from litigation practice.

All sessions will be followed by Q & A allowing for the exchange of ideas, and discussions where participants will have the opportunity to share professional experiences.

Group discussions along the course will promote a high level of interactivity and provide enhanced learning opportunities.

By the end of the course, you will have acquired

  • an up-to-date knowledge of the different sources of EU law and an understanding of the obligations of sub-state entities resulting from them, so you can ensure their correct material and legal application;
  • a clear understanding of the criteria for the distribution of competences between the EU, state and sub-state authorities, so you can determine the roles of your entity in the implementation of European policies and hence devise a coherent normative and policy plan in connection with the policy actions of the other two levels (EU and state);
  • an insight into the different EU mechanisms (formal and informal) and forums where sub-state interests can be presented and advocated, and a grasp of the most useful strategies to influence EU policy outcomes;
  • a clear comprehension of the principles (primacy, direct effect, etc.) that govern the relations between the legal order of the EU and that of the Member States, and their implications on the work of civil servants of sub-state administrations when applying EU norms (duties of consistent interpretation, of disapplying the state/sub-state provision contradictory to EU law, etc.);
  • an understanding of the situations and cases in which sub-state entities can initiate a legal procedure before the Court of Justice of the EU and the practical know-how to properly operate in the different phases of the procedure (how to draft a complaint, how to respond to the written allegations of the defendant EU institution, how to plead before the court before and during the hearings);
  • up-to-date knowledge of the different opportunities for financing of sub-state authorities and administrations projects by the EU programmes and facilities;
  • a clear understanding of the legal framework and requirements in relation to the management and implementation of the EU-funded projects;
  • a practical knowledge of the significant risks in the implementation of the EU-funded projects, common errors, financial corrections and audit finding

Before and after-course support

Prior to the course, you will be given access to the course materials on our digital learning platform. This includes a short questionnaire, which will help us identify any specific questions you may have so we can consider as many of them as possible during the course.

Preparatory reading and materials will be available on the platform to facilitate joining the course. All course materials will be made available for the participants.

After the event, additional materials and references to relevant literature, documents and websites will be accessible on our learning platform.

  • Public sector employees from sub-state entities at different levels (federating units in federal states, regions, provinces, municipalities) in charge of, or involved in, the transposition of EU law and the administrative application of EU legal requirements, and management and implementation of EU-funded projects.
  • Elected officials from the above-mentioned entities, holding a political mandate and responsible for conceiving and devising public policy on the basis of EU demands and requirements.
  • Personnel from offices in Brussels in charge of the representation and advocacy of territorial interest vis-à-vis EU institutions and in formal and informal negotiation forums.
  • Magistrates from these jurisdictional demarcations, who want to gain a further grasp on what their role is in the jurisdictional application of EU law.
  • Private practicing lawyers, consultants and other interested actors from the private sector, who wish to update their knowledge on this topic and obtain a comprehensive overview

Online Course
For this online course we make use of Zoom

Programme Organiser
Mr Naoise Crowley
Tel: +352 426 230 306

EIPA member fee
EIPA offers a discount to all civil servants working for one of EIPA’s supporting countries, and civil servants working for an EU institution, body or agency

Who are the supporting countries?
Civil servants coming from the following EIPA supporting countries are entitled to get the reduced fee: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden.

For all other participants, the regular fee applies

Early bird discount
The early bird discount is not cumulative with other discounts or promo codes, except for the EIPA member fee.

Loyalty coupon
As a token of appreciation we offer all our participants a loyalty coupon for one of our future courses. The offer can be shared with colleagues and relevant networks. The coupon will expire one year after its release. This discount is not cumulative with other discounts, except for the EIPA member fee.

Confirmation of registration will be forwarded to participants on receipt of the completed online registration form.

Prior payment is a condition for participation.

Cancellation policy
For administrative reasons you will be charged € 50 for cancellations received within 7 days before the activity begins. There is no charge for qualified substitute participants.

EIPA reserves the right to cancel the activity up to 1 week before the starting date. In that case, registration fees received will be fully reimbursed.

A few days before the start of the course you will receive the log-in details for accessing the course materials. You can log in here.

Download the brochure

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Our experts


08.45Registration of participants
09.00Welcome and introduction to the webinar
Juan Diego Ramírez-Cárdenas Díaz, Senior Lecturer, European Centre for Judges and Lawyers, European Institute of Public Administration, EIPA Luxembourg
09.15Division of competences between the EU, Member States and sub-state entities

  • The EU as a multilevel-governance system. Who does what?
  • Typology of EU competences
  • The principle of subsidiarity and its control by state and regional parliaments


10.15Q & A Session
11.00The system of sources of EU law. EU legal instruments and their impact on local governments

  • Typology of EU norms and their respective legal force
  • Legislative acts vs delegated and implementing acts
  • Normative implementation and administrative application of EU norms by sub-state entities
  • Relations between EU law and the legal order of sub-state entities (primacy, direct effect and state liability

Juan Diego Ramírez-Cárdenas Díaz

12.15Q & A Session
12.30Lunch break
14.00The participation of sub-state entities in formal EU rule-making procedures

  • Involvement and interest representation of local governments in EU decision-making fora: Commission’s committees, Council working parties, etc.
  • Practical commentary of legislative procedures with special reference to the ordinary legislative procedure

Serafín Santos Vidal, Senior Expert, Rural and Territorial Development, European Association for Information on Local Development (AEIDL)

15.00Q&A Session
15.45Advocacy of sub-state interests in Brussels

  • Comparative overview of solutions offered by Member States to coordinate local and central governments’ interests in view of EU negotiations
  • The role of local government offices in Brussels.
  • Analysis of mechanisms (formal and informal) for territorial interest representation: the role of local government offices in Brussels
  • Effective lobby strategies to influence policy outcomes

Serafín Santos Vidal

16.45Q & A Session
17.00Interim conclusions
17.15End of the 1st day
09.00The defense of local government interests’ before the Court: the action for annulment

  • Admissibility questions in annulment actions: reviewability of the challenged acts and the standing of the applicant
  • Key procedural issues of annulment actions
  • Possibility of appeal against the decisions of the General Court
  • Examples of recent litigation in annulment matters

Juan Diego Ramírez-Cárdenas Díaz

10.00Q&A Session
10.45The infringement procedure and sub-state entities

  • Who can breach EU law? Sub-state entities infringing EU law
  • Practical commentary of the procedure and its administrative and litigation phases
  • Effective strategies allowing Member States to improve their position throughout the procedure

Juan Diego Ramírez-Cárdenas Díaz

11.45Q&A Session
12.00Lunch break
13.30Types of funds available to the regions

  • MFF 2021-2021 and EU Funding, with a special focus on ERDF, CF and ESF+
  • Next Generation EU, with a special focus on Recovery and Resilience Facility

Iwona Karwot, Senior Lecturer, European Institute of Public Administration, EIPA

14.30Q&A Session
15.15Audit and anti-fraud rules and requirements in the ESIF and RRF

  • Requirements related to the anti-fraud measures and avoidance of conflict of interests in ESIF and RRF projects
  • Common errors, financial corrections and risks in the implementation of EU funded projects
  • How to observe the sound financial management during the implementation of the ESIF and RRF projects.

Radoslav Nedyalkov, CGAP, Chief auditor in Audit of EU Funds Executive Agency, Bulgaria

16.15Q&A Session
16.30Final Conclusions
17.00End of the course

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EU Law for Local Governments

20 Jun 2024 - 21 Jun 2024
Register before: 13 Jun 2024

Simultaneous interpretation can be offered. Contact the programme organizer for more information and conditions.

 1.025 per attendee
 870 for EIPA members
Registration closed

Discount policy

EIPA offers a discount to all civil servants working for one of EIPA’s supporting countries, and civil servants working for an EU institution, body or agency.

Who are the supporting countries?

Civil servants coming from the following EIPA supporting countries are entitled to get the reduced fee: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden.

For all other participants, the regular fee applies.

Early bird discount

For a limited number of training courses, EIPA offers an early bird discount.

For more information please contact us.

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Register before: 13 Jun 2024
Registration closed