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Challenges Posed by Technological Disruption, Data Protection and Artificial Intelligence
How can we responsibly develop artificial intelligence technologies?
How can we ensure that collected personal data are used with positive benefits by artificial intelligence technologies?
How can we make sure we are not setting an undesirable precedent for the future?
These are some of the questions we are going to tackle during this course. With a particular focus on European policymaking and the European legal frameworks and proposals, we will pinpoint the challenges posed by these new technologies and find solutions to address such challenges as a precondition to develop an ecosystem of trust.
Artificial intelligence has developed into mainstream data-driven technologies during recent years due to its ability to drive transformation across multiple sectors. While artificial intelligence technologies’ potential benefits can be massive for growth and development, there is no such thing as a technological silver bullet.
Over the last decades, the concept of data protection has been provoked by technological innovation and with artificial intelligence technologies, it is no different.
The first part of the course will zoom into the fundamental concepts related to artificial intelligence and the free movement of data. You will understand how data can be made available for use and reuse in compliance with European principles and values, but also the roles of new actors (e.g. data sharing providers, operators and users) and their responsibilities in developing, deploying and using artificial intelligence.
In sessions where ‘policy meets law’, you will attain a clear overview of how the European legal frameworks, including new proposals, address the challenges of technological disruption and the use of artificial intelligence technologies. By landscaping the current state of the art in the field of public service, you will gain insights into how the Member States intend to integrate artificial intelligence in their governance processes, and the potential the uptake of artificial intelligence has in redesigning public services.
In the second part of the course, you will learn about the risks related to the reliability of artificial intelligence technologies and the impact such deployment and use has on fundamental rights. A special focus will be placed on privacy and data protection. Options and solutions to counter the challenges posed by the uptake of artificial intelligence on fundamental rights will also be explored in the general fundamental rights session, and more specifically, in the gender gap session. You will also look at the threat landscape from a cybersecurity perspective and receive an overview of the new avenues and attack methods that the deployment and use of artificial intelligence will open, and the additional layer of protection needed to prevent such threats.
Course methodology/highlights and level
This course is also open to participants with less advanced knowledge of artificial intelligence and governance of data. It therefore includes:
- detailed explanations of the key concepts, principles, roles and responsibilities of the artificial intelligence actors;
- insights with practical examples based on thorough scientific research;
- input and coaching on practical issues encountered by participants;
- a highly interactive approach with opportunities to ask questions and share experiences during the dedicated Q&A sessions and online breakout rooms.
- Become familiar with the concepts of artificial intelligence, high-risk artificial intelligence, open data, use and reuse of data, and data altruism;
- Develop knowledge of relevant EU instruments, including the General Data Protection Regulation, Data Governance Act (proposal) and the Regulation on a European Approach for Artificial Intelligence (proposal);
- Discuss challenges and opportunities related to the deployment and use of artificial intelligence technologies;
- Understand the concept of regulatory sandboxes and how this new ‘experimental instrument’ which emerged as a response to regulatory lag and frictions, support innovation in the artificial intelligence field;
- Understand the frictions between data protection provisions and the use of artificial intelligence;
- Gain insights into how artificial intelligence has been harnessed or is intended to be harnessed in government processes and for public services;
- Become familiar with the risks and threats when using artificial intelligence technologies;
- Benefit directly from the insights of artificial intelligence policymakers and experts, and benefit from networking opportunities during the online breaks;
- Develop your international professional network in the field of artificial intelligence and data protection.
After-course support
After taking this course, you can join EIPA’s dedicated community of practice together with other former participants. Keep in touch and share your ideas with this growing community of professionals on EIPA’s LinkedIn groups.
- Data protection officers and other data protection professionals;
- Legal professionals, policy analysts, members of the civil society organisations with an interest in broadening their knowledge on the free flow of data, data protection and artificial intelligence;
- Anyone, in either the public or private sectors, interested in the free flow of data, data protection and artificial intelligence.
Online Course
For this online course we make use of WebEx
Programme Organiser
Ms Eveline Hermens
Tel: + 31 43 3296259
EIPA member fee
EIPA offers a discount to all civil servants working for one of EIPA’s supporting countries, and civil servants working for an EU institution, body or agency.
Who are the supporting countries?
Civil servants coming from the following EIPA supporting countries are entitled to get the reduced fee: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden.
For all other participants, the regular fee applies.
Early bird discount
The early bird discount is not cumulative with other discounts or promo codes, except for the EIPA member fee.
Confirmation of registration will be forwarded to participants on receipt of the completed online registration form.
Prior payment is a condition for participation.
Cancellation policy
For administrative reasons you will be charged € 50 for cancellations received within 7 days before the activity begins. There is no charge for qualified substitute participants.
EIPA reserves the right to cancel the activity up to 1 week before the starting date. In that case, registration fees received will be fully reimbursed.
A few days before the start of the course you will receive the log-in details for accessing the course materials. You can log in here.
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Our experts
08.30 | Access of participants to online platform (Amsterdam CET) |
09.00 | Introduction to the course Florina Pop, Senior Lecturer, EIPA Maastricht (NL) |
09.15 | Demystifying Artificial Intelligence Aleksandra Przegalinska, Vice-Rector at Kozminski University, Department for Management in Networked and Digital Societies and former MIT Research Fellow |
09.55 | Q & A |
10.10 | A European Strategy for Artificial Intelligence The proposal for a regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence Martin Ulbrich, Policy Officer in the European Commission, DG Connect, European Commission |
10.55 | Q & A |
11.10 | Break |
11.30 | Availability of Data for Use and Reuse: Data Governance Act and Artificial Intelligence Andrea Tóth, Legal and Policy Advisor, DG Connect, European Commission |
12.15 | Q & A |
12.30 | Break |
13.15 | State of play of AI in the public sector: challenges and opportunities Colin van Noordt, PhD Researcher, Tallinn University of Technology |
14.00 | Q & A |
14.15 | Sandboxes for Responsible Artificial Intelligence without Hamstringing Innovation Martina Anzini, EU Digital Market Expert, EIPA |
15.15 | Q & A |
15.30 | End of the day |
08.30 | Access of participants to online platform (Amsterdam CET) |
09.00 | Data Protection and Artificial Intelligence Florina Pop |
09.45 | Q & A |
10.00 | Artificial Intelligence and Anonymisation Xabier Lareo, Technology and Security Officer at European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) |
10.45 | Q & A |
11.00 | Break |
11.15 | Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Rights (Speaker to be confirmed) European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) |
12.00 | Q & A |
12.15 | Break |
13.00 | Artificial Intelligence and Gender Gap in Public Sector Employment Speaker to be confirmed |
13.45 | Break |
14.00 | Workshop: Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Rights |
14.30 | Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity (Speaker to be confirmed) European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) |
15.15 | Q & A |
15.30 | Conclusions and wrap-up |
16.00 | End of the course |