
Cross-Border Civil Judicial Litigation: Service of Documents and Taking of Evidence

This course will help you become acquainted with the EU instruments that regulate the service of documents and the taking of evidence between Member States. It will also highlight the policy and legal considerations behind the European Union legislation on judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters.

About this course

Efficiency, digitalisation, and security in the service of documents and the taking of evidence within the European Union are the objectives underlying two EU Regulations applied as of 1 July 2022, namely:

  • Regulation (EU) 2020/1783 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2020 on cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters (taking of evidence) (recast), which repealed Regulation (EC) 1206/2001;
  • Regulation (EU) 2020/1784 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2020 on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters (service of documents) (recast), which repealed Regulation (EC) 1393/2007.

Both Regulations aim to improve the efficiency, rapidity, and security of the service of judicial and extrajudicial documents and the taking of evidence, respectively, in EU cross-border civil or commercial cases. In particular, by relying on digitalisation (i.e. implementing a secure and reliable decentralised IT system – a network of national IT systems and interoperable access points that rely on e-Codex), and on more traditional means, such as standard forms.

This course is designed to offer a comprehensive overview of these instruments. It highlights the main innovations introduced with their 2020 recast versions, while also relying on the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in this area of the law.

What you will learn:

The purpose of the course is two-fold:

  • to familiarise participants with emerging issues in the area of service of documents and taking of evidence, especially in light of the recent legislative amendments and the developments arising from the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union;
  • to shed light on the policy and legal considerations underlying this area of the law, including at the multilateral level.

Course methodology

The course sessions will be delivered by experts with a presentation on key topics, taking into account the recent legislative amendments and the developments arising from the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. It will include its contribution to ensure the uniform interpretation of the EU instruments that regulate service of documents and taking of evidence between Member States. These presentations will be followed by Q&A sessions to exchange ideas, and discussions where participants will have the opportunity to share their professional experiences.

Interested to learn more about cross-border dispute resolution in civil and commercial matters? We are offering a series of related courses for you in Luxembourg: Cross-Border Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters (18 October) | Cross-Border Debt Recovery: EU Proceedings (7-8 November) | EU Cross-Border Civil and Commercial Litigation (22 November)

This course will help the participants to become acquainted with the EU instruments that regulate the service of documents and the taking of evidence between Member States, with a special focus on emerging issues and digitalisation. It will also shed light on the respective policy and legal considerations lying behind the European Union legislation emerging in the field of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters.

Taking a realistic approach and using practical examples, the course will provide participants with knowledge about:

  • the 2020 Regulations on Service of documents and Taking of evidence: novelties and challenges, including those arising from the digitalisation of justice;
  • the 2020 Service Regulation and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights;
  • the 2020 Evidence Regulation: Scope of Application and Subsidiary Nature;
  • the interface of the 2020 Evidence Regulation with the Brussels Ibis Regulation in matters of interim relief.

This course is designed for EU and national civil servants, lawyers, in-house counsels, and national judges dealing with cross-border litigation. It includes the pertinent CJEU case law, especially in light of the recent digitalisation of justice.

Project number: 2451301

Course venue
European Centre for Judges and Lawyers – EIPA Luxembourg
8 rue Nicolas Adames
1114 Luxembourg

Project Management Officer
Ms Isabela Puscasu
Tel: +31 43 3296240

The fee includes documentation, refreshments and lunches. Accommodation and travel costs are at the expense of the participants or their administration.

EIPA member fee
EIPA offers a discount to all civil servants working for one of EIPA’s supporting countries, and civil servants working for an EU institution, body or agency.

Who are the supporting countries?
Civil servants coming from the following EIPA supporting countries are entitled to get the reduced fee: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden.

For all other participants, the regular fee applies.

Early bird discount
The early bird discount is not cumulative with other discounts or promo codes, except for the EIPA member fee.

Loyalty coupon
As a token of appreciation we offer all our participants a loyalty coupon for one of our future courses. The offer can be shared with colleagues and relevant networks. The coupon will expire one year after its release. This discount is not cumulative with other discounts, except for the EIPA member fee.

Dietary preferences can be indicated on the registration form.

Hotel reservations
EIPA has special price arrangements with a number of hotels. Most rates are including breakfast and tourist tax. Should you wish to make use of this possibility, please book directly via the links below. Payment is to be made directly and personally to the hotel upon checking out.


Luxembourg Centre

Confirmation of registration will be forwarded to participants on receipt of the completed online registration form.

Prior payment is a condition for participation.

Cancellation policy
For administrative reasons you will be charged €150 for cancellations received within 15 days before the activity begins. There is no charge for qualified substitute participants. EIPA reserves the right to cancel the activity up to 2 weeks before the starting date. In that case, registration fees received will be fully reimbursed. EIPA accepts no responsibility for any costs incurred (travel, accommodation, etc.).

A few days before the start of the course you will receive the log-in details for accessing the course materials. You can log in here.

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Our experts

Project leader

Cristina Mariottini

EU Law, Judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters


09.00Registration of participants
09.30Welcome and introduction
Cristina M. Mariottini, Lecturer, EIPA Luxembourg – European Centre for Judges and Lawyers
10.00The 2020 Service Regulation and the Digitalisation of Justice: Novelties and Challenges
Vincent Richard, Lawyer at Wurth Kinsch Olinger Law Firm
11.00The 2020 Service Regulation and Article 47 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Cristina M. Mariottini
12.00The 2020 Evidence Regulation and the Digitalisation of Justice: Novelties and Challenges
Marco Buzzoni, Luxembourg Centre for European Law (LCEL), University of Luxembourg
14.30The 2020 Evidence Regulation: Scope of Application and Subsidiary Nature
Marco Buzzoni
15.30The 2020 Evidence Regulation and Article 35 Brussels Ibis Regulation: Interim Relief Aimed at Preserving Evidence
Carlos Santaló Goris, Lecturer, EIPA Luxembourg – European Centre for Judges and Lawyers
16.15Case study
17.00Conclusions and evaluation
17.30End of the course

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Cross-Border Civil Judicial Litigation: Service of Documents and Taking of Evidence

25 Oct 2024
Luxembourg (LU)
Register before: 10 Oct 2024

Simultaneous interpretation can be offered. Contact the programme organizer for more information and conditions.

 850 per attendee
 720 for EIPA members
Registration closed

Discount policy

EIPA offers a discount to all civil servants working for one of EIPA’s supporting countries, and civil servants working for an EU institution, body or agency.

Who are the supporting countries?

Civil servants coming from the following EIPA supporting countries are entitled to get the reduced fee: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden.

For all other participants, the regular fee applies.

Early bird discount

For a limited number of training courses, EIPA offers an early bird discount.

For more information please contact us.

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Register before: 10 Oct 2024
Registration closed