Audit, Structural and cohesion funds/ESIF

Management Verifications, Audit and Anti-Fraud Prevention in ESIF and RRF Funded Projects: 2021-2027

This highly practical course will give you a complete overview and detailed understanding of all practical aspects of control and the different types of audits of EU Funds in the programming period 2021-2027, including RRF.

About this course

This highly practical three-day course will give you a complete overview and detailed understanding of all practical aspects of control and different type of audits of EU Funds in the programming period 2021-2027, including Next Generation EU. It covers:

  • Relevant legislation
  • Methods of increasing effectiveness and efficiency of control and audits
  • Combating fraud, detecting and preventing irregularities
  • Practical knowhow through workshops on audit of public procurement, audit of State Aid, and Performance audit.
  • Managers and potential beneficiaries interested in EU-funded projects and programmes

The unique feature of this course is that it covers the experience of audit experts from EU Commission, European Court of Auditors (ECA), OLAF and AA of Member States.

What will you learn:

We have made this course very practical and interactive. All presentations conducted by audit experts include concrete examples and real-life case studies. Each of them is followed by a practical workshop in small working groups with direct involvement of ECA’s expert, where you will learn about errors and irregularities and about how audits are performed.

You will improve your knowledge how to detect and prevent  errors, irregularities, and fraud and how to build effective and efficient controls and anti-fraud measures in ESIF and NextGeneration EU  co-financed projects with special focus on Public Procurement and State Aid. You will also learn how financial, compliance, and performance audits should be performed in the programming period 2021-2027.

Who will benefit most?

  • Beneficiaries eligible under ESI Funds, Next Generation EU and IPA III, Managing Authorities, Audit Authorities, Intermediate Bodies
  • Independent auditors and junior auditors dealing with or interested in EU-funded projects and programmes
  • Consulting companies specialised in the auditing of EU Funds or programmes and projects

Course venue
Grupotel Gran Via 678
Barcelona (ES)

Programme Organiser
Ms Rafaella Giussani
Tel: +31 43 32 96 372

The fee includes documentation and refreshments. Lunches, a reception or dinner are included if mentioned in the programme. Accommodation and travel costs are at the expense of the participants or their administration.

EIPA member fee
EIPA offers a discount to all civil servants working for one of EIPA’s supporting countries, and civil servants working for an EU institution, body or agency.

Who are the supporting countries?
Civil servants coming from the following EIPA supporting countries are entitled to get the reduced fee: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.

For all other participants, the regular fee applies.

Early bird discount
The early bird discount is not cumulative with other discounts or promo codes, except for the EIPA member fee.

Dietary preferences can be indicated on the registration form.

Confirmation of registration will be forwarded to participants on receipt of the completed online registration form.

Prior payment is a condition for participation.

Cancellation policy
For administrative reasons you will be charged €150 for cancellations received within 15 days before the activity begins. There is no charge for qualified substitute participants.

EIPA reserves the right to cancel the activity up to 2 weeks before the starting date. In that case, registration fees received will be fully reimbursed. EIPA accepts no responsibility for any costs incurred (travel, accommodation, etc.).

A few days before the start of the course you will receive the log-in details for accessing the course materials. You can log in here.

Download the brochure

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Our experts

Portrait photo Iwona
Project leader

Iwona Karwot

EU Structural and Cohesion Funds


08.30Registration and handing out course material
09.00Opening of the course: introduction to the programme, objectives and methodology
Iwona Karwot, Senior Lecturer and Project Leader, EIPA
09.15Tour de table: presentation of participants to encourage networking
I. EU Commission: How the audit and control (internal and external) of ESI Funds are functioning in the programming period 2021-2027?
09.45Audit and control in the programming period 2021-2027: rules, mechanisms, challenges. Introduced changes in comparison of 2014-2020 from the Commission perspective: ESIFs.
Miriam Fernández Jutz, Deputy Head of Unit DAC 7 – Joint Audit Directorate for Cohesion, DG Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion, DG Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission
11.15Questions and answers
11.30Coffee break
II. OLAF: Anti-fraud and its role in the management and implementation process of ESI Funds and NEXTGENERATION EU in the programming period 2021-2027
12.00Organisation, mission and procedures of the European Anti-Fraud office. Practical examples of fraud in ESIF and RRF
The lecture will offer detailed overview of issues linked to fraud and will encompass:

  • Organisation of anti-fraud system;
  • Roles and prerogatives of OLAF;
  • Auditors’ role in the anti-fraud system;
  • Risks identified in EISF and RRF funds;
  • Practical tools to reinforce fraud prevention.

Piotr Baczmanski, Policy Analyst at Unit C.1 Anti-Corruption, Anti-Fraud Strategy and Analysis, (OLAF) – European Anti-Fraud Office, European Commission

13.30Questions and answers
13.45Joint lunch
III. European Court of Auditors: How audits of ESI Funds and NEXTGEN EU are performed by the ECA in the programming period 2021-2027?
15.15European Court of Auditors: mission, long term strategy, organisation, types of audits and audit reports
Luc T’Joen, Former Senior Administrator European Court of Auditors, Luxemburg
16.00Questions and answers
IV. European Court of Auditors: financial management and audit
16.15Financial audit by the ECA in the 2021-2027 programming period: ESIFs and RRF.
Luc T’Joen
17.45Questions and answers
18.00End of the first day and sightseeing tour of Barcelona
20.15Welcome dinner
V. European Court of Auditors: performance audit
09.00European Court of Auditors’ performance auditing: the basic theory on why do we do this; what is it and how is it done: a short overview of the main elements of performance auditing for the 2021-2027 period
Luc T’Joen
10.30Questions and answers
10.45Coffee break
11.15Performance auditing – real – life case studies: Practical showcases of various ECA performance audits (some in which EU-money is involved, and others without EU-money). This presentation will include:

  • tools to measure effectiveness (eg. through benchmarking and comparisons of performance over time);
  • methods to assess efficiency (eg. by using ratios and composite indicators);
  • how to assess the economy aspect at best;
  • information on how the analysis of costs and benefits can help assessing results and impact.

Luc T’Joen

12.45Questions and answers
13.00Joint lunch
VI. European Court of Auditors: audit of public procurement
14.30Audit of public procurement in the area of cohesion – practical examples and lessons learnt
Christophe Grosnickel, Senior auditor, Audit Chamber 2 – Investment for cohesion, growth and inclusion, European Court of Auditors
16.00Questions and answers
16.15Case study: audit of public procurement in the area of cohesion – practical examples in working groups
Christophe Grosnickel
17.15Group presentations – evaluation of workshop results, including debates on problems faced by the participants during the exercises and possible solutions
18.00End of the second day
VII. European Court of Auditors: audit of State Aid
09.00Audit of State aid in the area of cohesion policy: practical examples and lessons learnt
Sven Koelling, Senior auditor, Audit Chamber 2 – Investment for cohesion, growth and inclusion, European Court of Auditors
10.30Questions and answers
10.45Coffee break
11.15Case studies: Audit of State aid in the area of cohesion policy: practical examples in working groups
Sven Koelling
12.15Group presentations: evaluation of workshop results, including debates on problems faced by the participants during the exercises and possible solutions
13.00Joint lunch
VIII. Organisation of internal control and external audit in different models applied by beneficiaries of ESI Funds and  NEXTGEN EU: success factors of an efficient internal control system for higher absorption of EU Funds.
14.30Best and worst practices and irregularities found in EU funded projects and programmes (ESiFs and RRF)  – what to do, what to avoid and what possible solution to apply in case of system problems faced.
Preparation of AA for the 2021-2027 in Bulgaria (MA, AA) – from the Member State perspective
Radoslav Nedyalkov, CGAP, Chief auditor, Bulgaria
16.00Questions and answers
16.15Practical workshop: preparation for Recovery and Resilience Facility audits
17.00Group presentations: evaluation of workshop results, including debates on problems faced by the participants during the exercises and possible solutions
18.00Closure of the course and issuing of EIPA certificates to participants
Iwona Karwot

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Internal, External and Performance Audit of the ESIF and NEXTGEN EU Funded Programmes and Projects: 2021-2027

28 Jun 2023 - 30 Jun 2023
Barcelona (ES)
Register before: 13 Jun 2023

Simultaneous interpretation can be offered. Contact the programme organizer for more information and conditions.

 1.415 per attendee
 1.275 for EIPA members
Registration closed

Discount policy

EIPA offers a discount to all civil servants working for one of EIPA’s supporting countries, and civil servants working for an EU institution, body or agency.

Who are the supporting countries?

Civil servants coming from the following EIPA supporting countries are entitled to get the reduced fee: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden.

For all other participants, the regular fee applies.

Early bird discount

For a limited number of training courses, EIPA offers an early bird discount.

For more information please contact us.

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Register before: 13 Jun 2023
Registration closed