Support for better country knowledge on public administration and institutional capacity building (EUPACK)

Support for better country knowledge on public administration and institutional capacity building (EUPACK)

The purpose of the contract was to enhance knowledge and understanding of the status and reform dynamics of public administrations in the EU Member States, as well as the contribution of external support (including EU funding) for improving its quality, with a view to better targeting EU support in this area in the future.

The contract, commissioned by DG EMPL (Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion), was implemented by EIPA as lead in a consortium with the Hertie School of Governance and Ramboll.

The project was structured into six main tasks:

Task 1: providing a substantive overview of the public administration system, culture, and functions of each EU member state. Areas included:

  • organisation of the civil service,
  • multi-level governance,
  • policy-making and regulatory management,
  • policy coordination and implementation,
  • centre of government,
  • political economy issues,
  • administrative culture,
  • capacity and capability,
  • efficiency and overlaps.

Task 2: Investigating and analysing the key changes and patterns of public sector reform in each EU member state over the last 20 years focusing on:

  • main reform trends over the past 20 years,
  • political economy context,
  • reform processes,
  • reform outcomes,
  • main topics and objective of current reform agenda.

Task 3:  exploring the role and effect of external support within the country context and reform dynamics in each relevant country for ESF 2007-2013 and for ESIF 2014-2020 focusing on:

  • map the sources and volume of external support,
  • the weight and importance of EU support,
  • the role of ESIF and its implementation approach,
  • the type and nature of ESIF supported measures and projects,
  • the failure cases and lessons learned,
  • the added value,
  • the gaps,
  • examples of sound intervention logic.

Task 4: Outiling considerations and options for most appropriate policy support related to public administration modernisation and capacity building, including possible options and alternatives to current EU policy support.

Task 5: providing thematic support analytical papers on eGovernment, Civil Service Reform, Measuring Public Administration, and Intervention Logic.

Task 6: developing Public Administration Factsheets and Public Administration Guide.

The EUPACK deliverables can be accessed here.

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