CAF as guiding model for the public administration management in Dominican Republic

CAF Best Practice
Date of publication: 2012

The Ministry of Public Administration, as responsible entity of the quality management in Dominican Republic, assumed since 2005 the dissemination of CAF model as a tool to be used by institutions to identify their strengths and areas of improvement, considering it as the most appropriate model to apply quality management techniques in the public sector. Furthermore, this model was selected as the basis on which rests the National Quality Award, requiring the self-assessment CAF in order to write the memoirs of application.

The implementation of the CAF from 2010 is mandatory due to the promulgation of Decree 211‐10, that specifies that all public institutions should conduct a self-assessment using this model.

Aimed by the hard work done, a change in the culture of the Dominican public institutions has been generated and improvements in the service quality can be perceived, as well as a greater interest in documenting, measuring and innovation of the processes. Also, it can’t be ignored that some of the institutions that began with the CAF self-assessment have participated and won international awards for quality and has become references in their respective sectors.

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Written by: Johana Guerrero, Directora de Innovación en la Gestión
of Ministry of Public Administration, Dominican Republic

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