CAF user registration


RIGHT one CAF User Registration + Database Entry

Are you already a CAF user? Login

Please check the option that applies to you:
Enter Email
You are registering as:

CAF User: you have implemented or have been implementing CAF (once or more)

Researcher/trainer/CAF accredited coach or similar: you are currently studying/training about CAF, but you are not a CAF user yourself

CAF stakeholder/Potential CAF user: you are a potential future CAF user/interested in the model and the network for justified reason, but you are not a CAF user yourself
Website of organisation

Years of implementation

Year(s) of CAF implementation
hold cmd/ctrl and scroll down to select multiple years

Obtention of the Effective CAF User (ECU) Label:

Obtention of the Effective CAF User (ECU) Label:
hold cmd/ctrl and scroll down to select multiple years
For more information on how we use your personal data, please read the CAF Privacy Notice.

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